Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Schools and a Goodbye Buffet

by Pa Rock

My three Oregon grandchildren go to three different schools. I have visited Judah's school on a couple of prior occasions and have always been impressed with it.  Yesterday Judah's school had the day off, but the other two kids were in school - and I went with their mother to pick them up when classes ended in the afternoon.

Sebastian is in his first year of Middle School.  His building is three stories high and sits in a beautiful location.  It has been open less than ten years and appears to be very modern in all respects.  As a former principal I was curious to see how the kids were released in the afternoon, and was very pleased to see that they left the building in a calm and orderly manner.  There were two lines of parent vehicles waiting to pick kids up, a situation that could have been dicey, but the school had established a good routine - and it was well supervised.

Willow goes to a nearby elementary school.  There is a large outdoor covered area where parents wait for their young ones.  Some of the older kids from Sebastian's school had walked there and were waiting for their younger siblings also.  The dismissal at the elementary school was orderly as well.  The principal stands in the drive and monitors traffic as the parents leave - reminding me of when I performed the same function at a big rural high school many years ago.   Of course, at the school where I worked most of the drivers were students!  (I don't miss those days!)

Last night we went to a large family buffet place where we enjoyed a nice meal and I got to say my goodbyes to the kids.  It will probably be spring before I am able to get back here again.

Today I head to Portland, and I will fly out from there to San Diego early in the morning.

Thank you Molly Scott, Sebastian, Judah, and Willow for showing me such a nice time while I was in Salem!

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