Friday, October 4, 2019

Elizabeth Warren at San Diego Harbor

by Pa Rock
Tourist at Large
Large Tourist

Valerie and I went into San Diego after her class ended yesterday.  Our objective was to walk along the scenic harbor, maybe shop for a few tee-shirts, and eventually end the evening with clam chowder  at some seaside cafe.

It was Thursday evening, so it was surprising to find that all of the public parking along the harbor was full.  We eventually had to go to the Fish Market to find some available metered parking.  We walked back to the harbor and took in the sites.  As we were walking a lady speaking Spanish over a loudspeaker suddenly cut through the evening air.  She ended after several minutes with the words: "Elizabeth Warren!" And then there was a thunderous response from a large crowd.  After that a woman speaking English came over the loudspeaker system and introduced Senator Warren.  It turns out the candidate was speaking directly across the street from where we were standing.

What a nice surprise!

We walked over and eventually made it into the main crowd - after passing through uniformed guards who were frisking entrants with hand-held scanners.  The crowd was large, 8,500 according to the local press, standing on the grounds of he San Diego City Administrative Building - and the best spots we could reach were toward the back of the audience.  We listened to Senator Warren tell her life story, and eventually caught glimpses of the candidate standing on a platform that was not much higher than the crowd.

One of the first comments the senator made was that she would pose for "selfies" after the event was over - and that line got a big cheer from the audience.

We left early and walked quite a ways south to find a seaside restaurant  that was open and serving clam chowder.  As we were leaving, an hour and an half or so after we had seen Senator Warren, we drove by her venue.  The speech was over but an extremely long line of people was patiently waiting for those promised "selfies!"

I did find a couple of San Diego tee-shirts - and even one promoting the candidacy of Elizabeth Warren.   I know that one will be a big hit in West Plains, Missouri!

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