Saturday, October 12, 2019

Olive Turns Eight Riding a Skate (board)!

by Pa Rock
Proud Grandpa

My only Kansas granddaughter, Olive Noel Macy, turns eight today.  She is in second grade and reads well above her grade level - and she can spell words that her old grandfather can barely pronounce!  Later today Olive will be having a birthday party at a swimming pool in hotel where she and her family will spend the night.    Her friends and cousins will be at the party.  There will be splashing and screaming and yelling - and probably even cake and ice cream - and everyone will have a great time!

When Olive was born eight years ago I was home on leave from my job with the military on Okinawa, Japan.  I was in Kansas City the morning she was born and followed her parents to the hospital in Kansas in my rental car.  After briefly meeting my first granddaughter, I returned to her parents' home to take care of their cat, Mr. Furley.  I went back overseas later that week and didn't see Olive again until she and her parents came to visit me on Okinawa the following spring.

The fair-skinned and red-headed Baby Olive was a big hit in Japan.  Everywhere we went Okinawan ladies would hold out their arms wanting to hold the cute American baby!  She was very popular - even then!

Olive and her friends have all "adopted" characters from the television series, "Stranger Things."  They have fun acting like their characters and repeating dialogue from the show.  Olive's character is Max, a young lady who rides a skateboard.  Yesterday Olive telephoned me while I was driving through the wilds of Arkansas after a doctor's appointment.  She called to say that she had received the birthday card that I had mailed to her, and she said that she was thinking about using the money that I sent to buy a skateboard.  I wished her well.

This morning her Daddy sent me an email with a photo of Olive standing on a skateboard in her living room.  She had a big smile on her face!

Have fun with the new board, Olive - but please do not go chasing after any monsters - no matter what your friends do!  And please,do not get any skater tattoos!

Pa Rock loves you and wishes you the very best on your eighth birthday!

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