Saturday, October 19, 2019

On the Gullible Nature of MAGAts

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

We are living in strange times.  A nation whose most recent President was the former editor of the Harvard Law Review is now being led by an intellectually dim bulb who seems to be much more focused on tearing down American social and political advances than he is in building any sort of positive legacy of his own.    Donald Trump is deliberately turning the United States into a version of one of his money-laundering, vermin-infested businesses, and a large portion of the population is cheering him on as he disregards the Constitution and runs the government by whim and revenge.

Trump supporters are steeped in God, guns, and gullibility.  Their God is a mean, racist son-of-a-bitch who has no use for anyone who doesn't hate the same things He does - and He hates plenty.    He doesn't like gays, immigrants, independent women, taxes, people who've been to college, most authority figures, and any news that hasn't come from Fox.  

The guns of Trump supporters are sacrosanct, with the right to bear as many as they want coming directly from God.  They see guns as being necessary to their survival because at some point the government will be the enemy, and these Walmart patriots will have to take to the hills and defend their notion of America.

And gullibility, well under the administration of Donald John Trump, the gullibility of his particular slice of America has reached epic proportions.  Yesterday I came across a a tweet which I felt really illuminated the gullibility of MAGAts (Trump supporters).  It described them as people who believed that Trump is:

  • a billionaire, without actually ever seeing his tax returns;
  • a genius, without getting a look at his college grades;
  • a great businessman, even though he managed to bankrupt casinos;
  • a ladies man, regardless of the fact that he has repeatedly paid for sex;
  • a philanthropist whose charity was shut down by the government;
  • a patriot who dodged the draft;
  • a Christian who doesn't go to church;
  • and, an innocent man who refuses to testify.
To that meme could also be added:

  • a fierce defender of national borders who has married two immigrants;
  • and, a solid family man who has had a total of five children by three different wives.
God gave Donald Trump to the MAGAts - and God has a wicked sense of humor - yes, She does!

Now it's time for a return to sanity - and the rest of America will have to roll up its sleeves and do the very real and hard work of scrubbing this Trump stain from our from our national psyche.  

That will happen.

Better days are ahead!

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