Sunday, October 20, 2019

World Leaders Spared from Trump's Motel Hell

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Last week the Trump administration, in an obvious effort to turn media attention away from impeachment and the slaughter of Kurdish children as a result of an ill-advised US policy, announced that next June's G-7 conference of world leaders would be held at the Trump National Doral in Miami, Florida.  Trump had originally floated the idea of holding the next G-7 at his Doral Club as the last G-7 was coming to a close.   Last week he trotted out his chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, to announce the Doral's official selection.  Mulvaney assured reporters that the selection process had been thorough and that at least ten other resorts had been considered - presumably some of which are not owned by the Trump family.  Mulvaney did not enlighten the press on which other resorts had been considered and rejected.

And that bit of egregious profit-seeking through the presidency did its intended bit by keeping the political waters muddy and turbulent.   Congress was considering a bill to thwart the move, and court action was also being discussed.   But then last night Trump got on Twitter and stirred things up again, this time with a tweet rescinding his decision to hold the upcoming June G-7 at the Doral in Miami, an event that not only would have been steeped in the intense summer humidity of south Florida, but also "alleged" bedbugs over which the Doral has been sued in the past.

The tweeter-in-chief, who must have been having an especially rough night, spewed this wad of poison on Twitter:

“... Therefore, based on both media & Democrat crazed and irrational hostility, we will no longer consider Trump National Doral, Miami, as the host site for the G-7 in 2020.  We will begin the search for another site, including the possibility of Camp David, immediately.  Thank you!”

News reports suggested that Trump floated the idea of hosting the important meeting at Camp David because it is apparently not overly popular with the national media - and leading through revenge is a Trump specialty.

Regardless of the media's feelings on the matter, Camp David is an infinitely better choice than the Doral.  The weather, for one thing, will be more tolerable, and Camp David will not require tens of millions of dollars in security upgrades in order to host some of the world's most important political leaders.  And, using Camp David, will not put money into the pockets of Donald Trump and his cash-sucking spawn.

And there are still lots of people in America who regard the Trump family as the epitome of high class culture.  They can go to Florida, stay at the Doral, and see that the bedbugs don't go hungry!

Everybody will be winners - and especially the G-7!

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