Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Secret Life of Ronna's Uncle Mitty

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Yesterday a well-known individual was outed as a lurker on Twitter operating under a fake name.  Republican Senator Mitt Romney of Utah (and former Republican Governor of Massachusetts) admitted that for the past seven years he has been slithering around Twitter posing as an urbane manifestation of sensibility known as "Pierre Delecto."  Pierre only had a couple of hundred followers, mostly friends and relatives who knew his true identity, and the tweets that he posted were often aimed at politely correcting his critics and polishing the apple of Mitt Romney.

After the Mittster was publicly outed, he took the Twitter account private.

Romney, a Francophile of long-standing who speaks fluent French, did his two-year Mormon missionary stint as a youth wandering the French Riviera where he busied himself saving the souls of beach bunnies.

There has been a lot of buzz over the internet regarding the meaning of Mitt's rather unique nom de plume.   "Pierre" is the French version of the name "Peter," and "delecto" translates into "delight."  Peter Delight.  Some have dared to suggest that it might be Mitt's porn name.  Or, perhaps it's a holdover from his missionary days at the beach.

So far Donald Trump (who has several aliases himself including "John Barron," "John Miller," and "David Dennison" and who is not a fan of Senator Romney) has been quiet on the revelation - but that will not last.  And when Trump finally does explode all over poor Pierre, Republican National Chariwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel, Mitt's niece, may have to finally choose between being Trump's loyal parrot or defending the honor of Uncle Mitty.

And then she will do lunch.

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