Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Trump Needs More than an Intelligence "Briefing!"

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

I saw a blurb on the news yesterday which said that Donald Trump was scheduled for an intelligence briefing later in the day– and I immediately wondered if a “briefing” would be adequate.   While pumping some intelligence into the dumbest human ever to lead the United States is an admirable goal, can a mere "briefing's" worth even begin to address the lifetime of ignorance that has accumulated within this one individual?

Perhaps instead of a briefing, Trump should be given the world's biggest enema to relieve him of his massive stupidity, a maneuver that would likely leave him small enough to play Tiny Tim in "A Christmas Carol."  And after the enema Trump could be re-inflated with an intelligence transfusion, something which would certainly be more effective than a mere briefing.

Or maybe the Pentagon has some new "smart" technology that could fix Trump -  a supersonic scrubber that could strip the thick coating of orange ignorance that protects The Donald from experiencing reality.  A car wash to combat imbecility.

I don't have the answer, but as a former public school teacher who occasionally had to face students like Donald Trump in class, I am sure of this:  trying to educate someone who knows it all with a "briefing" is a fool's errand.   If Trump stays awake during the briefing, he is sure to be disruptive - and as soon as it is over he will rush to brag about his new knowledge to his intellectual peers in the House of Representatives  - people like Matt Gaetz and Gym Jordan - and then he will get on the phone and tell Vlad Putin all about it.

Trump loves to be praised for his intelligence!

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