Monday, October 3, 2016

Preparing for Old Friends with a Big Mow

by Pa Rock
Farmer in Fall

Yesterday I began the 13th lawn-mowing of season.  Hopefully it will be the last.

My yard is huge and I mow six acres or better, most of it with a rider, but some of the trickier areas have to be trimmed with an old fashioned push mower.  I did the hard stuff yesterday, moving some yard furniture around and then mowing all that requires the push mower.  This afternoon I will climb on the rider and begin to tackle the rest.  The riding portion will take up a big chunk of three or four days.

It's been three weeks or more since the last mowing.  The unusually long delay between mows was brought about by damage to the rider on the last mowing that resulted in it being sent in for repairs - and some family emergencies. Fortunately, fall was beginning to set in and the growth of the grass (and weeds) slowed noticeably during that time.  That is why I am hopeful that I am heading into the last mow of the season.

Company is headed this way next weekend, and that is my primary motivation for wanting the place to look nice.  Two old friends from my recent time on Okinawa, Daniel and Valerie, will be arriving next Sunday evening.  Both have been to the Roost one time previously, but on separate occasions.  This will be the first time that we've all been together since the morning that they took me to the airport in Naha, Okinawa, for my final trip home.  That was in July of 2012.

Daniel Murphy will be flying in from his current work station in Japan, and Valerie will be coming from her new home in the Phoenix area.  They will meet at the airport in Springfield on Sunday and then drive to the Roost where we will have a week together of exploring the beautiful Ozarks.

Old friends are the best!

Needless to say, I am also busy cleaning house!

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