Sunday, November 17, 2019

Trump's Dixie Strategy May Be Gone with the Wind

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

There was a race for governor in Louisiana yesterday, and even though the incumbent was a Democrat, it was widely expected that his rich Republican opponent who had the unfaltering support of the national GOP would triumph.  Donald Trump, in fact, made three trips to the state in the weeks prior to the election to campaign for Eddie Rispone, the Republican who intended to oust Democrat John Bel Edwards from the governor's mansion.

The New York Times characterized Trump's active involvement in the race this way:

"President Trump urged Louisiana voters on Thursday to “send a message to the corrupt Democrats in Washington” by electing to governor the Republican nominee, Eddie Rispone, directly linking the impeachment inquiry to a state election that will test his clout in the Deep South."
The voters of Louisiana responded and sent their message - and  to recast a line from a great movie, "A Knight's Tale," we can now unequivocally state that Trump has been weighed, he has been measured, and he has been found wanting!

Last week Donald Trump was involved in another Republican gubernatorial loss when the GOP candidate - and incumbent governor of Kentucky, Matt Bevin,  lost his bid for re-election to Democrat Andy Beshear.  Trump owns a good piece of that loss as well as the one in Louisiana.

Republicans in the Deep South have been salivating for months in anticipation of taking back the U.S. Senate seat in Alabama that Democrat Doug Jones managed to snag after a contentious GOP primary two years ago - but now, with Trump's newly discovered Southern fallibility, even that opportunity may be gone with the wind!

This might be a good time for Donald John to head on over to Walter Reed Hospital and check himself in for a little rest and relaxation - and perhaps a bit of detox as well!

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