Friday, November 15, 2019

GOP Campaign Cash Flows to Trump Businesses

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

It seems that almost every day in every conceivable way higher-end Republicans struggle to show that they have no connection whatsoever with common human beings.  From their gated communities to their exclusive clubs, these folks represent a "class" of individuals who prefer not to mingle with Joe Bob and Babs down at the local Walmart.   But then, come election time, they do want the earthy end of their party to remember that they are just one lottery win away from being among the elites themselves.  At that point it becomes "us" against those dirty Democrats.

Joe Bob and Babs may be suckered out of their votes, but they will never be called on to serve any sort of leadership positions within "their" party.  And even if they wanted to help run the Republican Party, they couldn't afford it.

Yesterday the Republican National Committee, the group that next summer will nominate Donald Trump for another term of running the country into the ground, sent out invitations for its winter meeting.  This winter the group of wealthy GOP power-brokers will meet in Miami, Florida - nice!  And nicer yet, at least for Donald Trump and his family, is the fact that the RNC will hold that meeting at the Trump National Doral Golf Resort.  Some reports say that the Doral Resort has been suffering financially, so this visit by a passel of Republicans with deep pockets will no doubt be appreciated by the Trump organization.

Last month Trump used the Doral to distract from the growing attention over the upcoming impeachment inquiry when he suddenly announced that the U.S. would host next year's G-7 conference of world leaders there.  The public uproar forced him to back down from that plan, and he still has not announced new plans for the G-7 location.

But the RNC, which is the political equivalent of an exclusive country club, will spend its members' cash at the Doral in Miami, thank you very much!

According to current news reports, the RNC spent $1.3 million at Trump properties during the first two years of his administration, and the Trump campaign spent $1.6 million at Trump hotels and golf resorts.   Other GOP candidates added another $1.4 million to Trump's bottom line.

And for those trying to keep a tally, don't forget all of the taxpayer money that has gone into flying Trump and his entourage to the Mar-a-Lago Club, also near Miami, on an almost weekly basis, and the costs associated with housing and feeding the presidential party, including Secret Service agents, while Trump amuses himself by cheating at golf.

This winter's meeting at the Doral will be the third time that the Republican National Committee has used that particular resort.

It would appear that Donald John Trump is profiting quite handsomely off of this political gig.  Trump properties are surely a great place to relax and enjoy life - and not be bothered by Joe Bob and the rest of the world's Walmart shoppers.   And even if Joe Bob eventually does win the lottery, the white, old money-types in the GOP will never really let him and Babs crash the party.

But, on second thought, that may not be right - because Trump got in!

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

The notion that America's wealthy & well connected who rule the GOP will be exposed to
Trump-Bedbugs® warms the cockles of my heart on this brisk winter morning.