Saturday, November 16, 2019

Hillary Can Have My Vote, But Not My Enthusiasm

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

There was a tweet circulating yesterday which asked respondents whether they could "enthusiastically" support Hillary if she decides to run in 2020.   The thrust appeared to be to create a show of support for a last-minute Hillary Clinton entry into the Democratic presidential race.

So the question was there in front of me three or four times during the day, and I had lots of time to give it some serious thought.  There can be no denying that the number one priority for 2020 has to be to get the Trump Crime Family out of the White House and wash the scum from its hallowed marble halls.  But could I "enthusiastically" support Hillary to replace The Don?

The answer is no.

I will vote for Hillary if she is the Democratic nominee, but my enthusiasm for the Clintons waned and then died during Bill's second term when he disgraced himself and the presidency.  Do not ask me to "enthusiastically" support a candidate who will dredge up that barge of shame - and cap it off by moving Bill Clinton back into the White House.   My "support" for Hillary Clinton will be a vote - and a lot of blogging against her opponent, but I won't be writing any checks or attending any rallies.

Bill campaigned on his wife's intellect and knowledge of the workings of government in 1992, and offered her up as a "co-president" of sorts, saying that the country could "buy one, get one free."

Well, two Clinton terms were plenty for me.

I will give Hillary my vote, but if the Democratic Party wants my enthusiasm they have plenty of other ways to get it.  I could be damned enthusiastic about a Kamala Harris candidacy - or Cory Booker - or Pete Buttigieg - or Julian Castro - or even the youngish septuagenarian, Elizabeth Warren.  The party has great choices who are at the starting gates and stomping to run.  The old warhorses (Biden, Bernie, and Hillary) need to take their baggage and move on out to pasture - and clear the track for the party's thoroughbred youth.

It's time for change, and our new crop of of high-spirited candidates needs room to run.  Yesterday's headliners need to move on out of the way and let the kids have their own day at the races.

Change means change!

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

I have a loaf of stale bread. It was great bread when it was first baked. It came with fantastic aroma, texture, and taste. But I don't want that stale bread.