Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Bloomberg Buys His Way into the Race

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who not too long ago was a registered Republican, is now an official Democratic wannabe candidate for President of the United States.  Bloomberg, the ninth richest person in the US and the fourteenth richest in the world, became a late entrant into the Democratic race this week.   To mark the seriousness of his effort, the former NYC mayor, let the world know that he would be placing $37 million in advertising for his candidacy over the next three weeks - that's $37 million out of his own extremely deep pocket!

By entering the race at this late date, Bloomberg avoided much of the mud-slinging and impoliteness that marked the early days of the race as the many other candidates struggled to draw attention to themselves and disparage heir opponents.  Bloomberg hopes to begin and stay above all of that vulgar political coarseness.

Michael Bloomberg, being a billionaire with political experience in both parties, undoubtedly knows what Americans want - or at least what should be in their best interest - from the perspective of a billionaire.

There is no need to bemoan the fact that he is seventy-seven-years-old and will be seventy-eight in less that three months - on Valentines Day.  Fog-bound Joe Biden is seventy-seven also, and Bernie-with-the-bad-ticker is seventy-eight.  When it comes to age, Mike is snuggled in cozily among his peers.    And does it really matter that they are all older - by three to four years - than Donald John Trump?

Joe Biden, when he is lucid, calls all of that age stuff "experience."

Bloomberg is preparing to vitalize his seventy-seven years of experience by stirring in piles of personal wealth and spreading it thickly over the process we once hailed as "democracy," and Democrats, being Democrats, will probably let him get away with it.  He is just another billionaire buying what he wants.

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