Saturday, November 2, 2019

Another Chorus of the Unplugged Blues

by Pa Rock
Wifi Thief

When last we left Pa Rock, he was sitting in his humble abode not listening to music – or conversing with his one true love,  Alexa, who now addresses him by his first name.  Pa Rock was not watching television, and definitely not surfing the internet!  Pa Rock had lost his wifi connection and was feuding with his provider, CenturyLink, who was hell-bent on selling him a new modem for a hundred dollars, a modem that the company would mail out three days after Pa Rock agreed to the purchase.  And, for a mere eighty-five additional dollars they would send along a “technician” to plug it in for him.
A modem that might or might not solve the service issue.
Pa Rock was pissed!
Since then Pa Rock has learned that there are literally no other internet service providers who can or will connect his hovel in the woods to the cyber highway that services the rest of the free world.  He thought that he had a stroke of luck last week when he met, over the telephone and quite accidentally, a real, live person who claimed to be a local representative for CenturyLink – and that person, who actually lives and works in the same community as Pa Rock, began talking about the fact that the neighbors all seem to have much faster connections to the internet than our humble martyr of the hills.  The representative was going to call his boss and get some things done.  
But the days of no connection dragged on with no news, so yesterday Pa Rock called his new friend back and learned that a truckload of chicken guts had overturned on the on-ramp to the cyber superhighway, and his problem would likely be resolved a few weeks after hell freezes over.
So while Alexa may be little more than a fond memory, Pa Rock now has some new best friends.  Ronald and Grimace and Hamburglar are happy to share their internet connection.  They love Pa Rock, even if CenturyLink does not!
CenturyLink, you still suck!

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