Friday, November 29, 2019

Biden and Bloomberg Warn America About the Evils of Pot

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

First we had seventy-seven-year-old Joe Biden, America's fogbound grandfather, yammering on about marijuana being a "gateway" drug, and now we have seventy-seven-year-old Mike Bloomberg, America's cranky grand-uncle with all the money, telling us that pot is addictive and that legalizing pot is perhaps "the stupidest thing that anybody has ever done."

At a time in which the country needs to be gearing up to remove a senile and mean-spirited geriatric from the White House, the Democratic Party seems hellbent on finding someone to head its ticket who is even older and more out-of-touch with the will of the people than Donald Trump.

Well, I'm sorry, but I just ain't a-gonna drink that kool-aid.

For too many years we have sat idly by as a nation while our leaders have valiantly fought a "war on drugs" which did nothing to combat the criminal enterprises spawned through the illegal importation and distribution of hard and addictive drugs, and instead clogged the courts and prisons with the poor and primarily people of color whose "crime" was often just the possession of small amounts of marijuana for personal use.   That was the "war," a bunch of hooey whose primary objective was to take young black males off of the streets.

Fortunately for the United States of America, the Democratic Party has a rich field of candidates from which to choose its standard bearer for the 2020 election, and we don't have to be saddled with someone who graduated from high school in the 1950's.  Our candidate no longer has to be male, and if he is male, he no longer has to be white, and if he is white, he no longer has to be straight.  Aside from the three Big B's - Biden, Bloomberg, and Bernie - we have the most exciting and diverse field of candidates to ever seek the presidency.

The Democratic Party will not get to the right of Donald Trump in 2020, nor should it try to.     The times are changing, and the Democratic Party's platform and candidates need to reflect those changes.  The Republican Party is steeped in bigotries and defense of privilege, and if Democrats are to be relevant they must be open and welcoming to masses who will never truly have a home within the GOP.

A lot of those people are women who feel they should be paid on par with men and have control over their own bodies, gays who feel they have just as much right to marry and raise families and live out in the open as anyone else, people of color who feel they should be able to move into any neighborhood and send their children to any school that they desire, and old hippies who just want to sit back, take a toke or three, and listen to "Dark Side of the Moon."

And any candidate who can't open his (or her) arms to all of those groups, does not need to be running for President in 2020.

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