Friday, May 17, 2019

Trump Race-Baits with a New Immigration Proposal

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

When it comes to plopping intellect down on a scale and weighing it, Donald Trump makes George W. Bush look scholarly.  Trump, who doesn't read and speaks at a level near that of an average fifth grader in some under-funded and over-crowded public school, has just released a grand immigration plan - one that he personally did not research or write - in which he promotes an urgency for  bringing more immigrants to America based on "genius" and "brilliance" rather than family connections.

One must assume that he is talking about more immigrants like his wife who came in on an "Einstein" visa before pursuing a career as a clothing-challenged model.  Of course, once G-String Barbie gained that coveted citizenship status, she did bring in her parents from Central Europe.  They were, of course, all Caucasian.

Donald Trump has been told by senior politicians in both parties that his new bill will not be enacted into law - and, in all likelihood he does not care.  The bill really isn't about changing American immigration policy, it is about reminding Trump's base of racist nativists that he is the only person standing between them and hordes of brown and black people pouring over the border and into their neighborhoods.  It is about getting the yahoos fired up for the 2020 presidential election.

Donald Trump doesn't celebrate Cinco de Mayo, and he sure as hell doesn't celebrate diversity.  His slogan of "Make America Great Again" is really a racist dog whistle to "Make America White Again" - and everybody knows it!

What's sad is that while Donald Trump uses this phony maneuver to whip his base into a frenzy, major news outlets in the United States continue to cover the spiel as though it is a serious policy proposal instead of just an election stratagem.   That's the way they covered his campaign in 2016 - giving credibility to Trump's every ridiculous statement and proposal -  and causing people to accept the absurd as somehow realistic.

Donald Trump lies - constantly - and he manipulates people through fear and racial hatred.  That's the story the press really needs to be telling.  That is what is passing for leadership in 2019!

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