Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Some Thoughts on Defeating Trump in 2020

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Donald Trump may be lazy, incompetent, and a racist, but those qualities alone are not enough to bring about his defeat at the polls in 2020.   In fact, as long as he lets the rich get richer and does not reveal himself to be a primary cause of hardship among the working poor, he is likely to be elected to another term.

Some in the Democratic Party see the way to beat Trump is to come up with a Democratic version of him, while others stress the importance of fielding a candidate who will be a sharp contrast to Trump in every way possible, a polar opposite.

Feeling that one Trump is more than enough, I tend to find myself favoring the notion of finding a candidate who contrasts with Donald Trump.   Here are a few ways in which the Democratic Party might present a better presidential image than the one with which the United States is currently saddled:

1.  Select a younger and more physically fit candidate than Donald Trump.   Trump will be seventy-three next month, and he is obese.  We have all cringed at the photos of him literally trying to crawl out of a golf bunker, and his penchant for fast food is well known.  The Democratic nominee in 2020 should be able to tap dance around Trump without breaking a sweat.

2.  Choose a person who is committed to family and friends and does not have a history of behaving inappropriately toward others.  Donald Trump brags of grabbing women by the genitalia, talks of a princess he "could have nailed," has had two divorces and three wives, and has a general history of behaving toward women in an ignorant and repulsive manner.  The Democrats, by contrast, should nominate someone whom most of us would trust to babysit our grandchildren.

3.  Pick a nominee who did not actively avoid the draft.  Donald Trump avoided the draft during the Vietnam War with a "trumped-up" doctor's excuse claiming that he had bone-spurs in his feet, a condition that has since miraculously disappeared.  To compensate for his lack of military experience, he brought several military men to the White House early in his administration, but they have all now departed.  Trump seems to avoid memorial events (at least here in the U.S.) and military functions in much the same manner as he avoided the draft fifty years ago.  The Democrats should choose a nominee who has nothing to be embarrassed about when dealing with the military.

If the Democratic Party coughs up a candidate who is older than Donald Trump, who has already had to deal with numerous charges of being a "creepy uncle" type of character, and who also generated the appearance of avoiding the draft during the Vietnam War - then it will have lost several easy advantages, and it will likely lose the election as well.

2020 needs to be about what is right for America - and not whose turn it is to run.

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