Thursday, May 16, 2019

Missouri Ramps Up Its War on Women

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Missouri's hillbilly legislature, at the urging of the state's hillbilly governor, Mike Parson, "worked" until pre-dawn hours last night in an effort to pass a piece of anti-abortion legislation just as odious as Alabama's new law.  The long night session in the state senate left bitterness on both sides of the political aisle with most Democrats loudly fearing that the state is turning its back on the legitimate medical needs of women as well as on the established law of the land  - and some Republicans lamenting that the measure had gotten too "watered down" in the all-night haggling.

But Governor Parson, a former rural county sheriff, is pleased with the legislative action on what he calls "the will of the people," and he has all but ordered the state's house of representatives to pass the same measure by tomorrow so that he can rush his signature onto it before the weekend news cycles and the all-important Sunday national news programs.

Missouri's new attempt is much like the one that Governor Kay Ivey signed in Alabama yesterday.  It punishes doctors who perform abortions on fetuses past eight-weeks (six weeks in Alabama) with prison terms of five to fifteen years (up to ninety-nine years in Alabama).  Women are not subject to punishment for seeking or obtaining abortions, and abortions are allowed for medical emergencies - but NOT for the reasons of rape or incest.

A twelve-year-old girl in Missouri who is impregnated by her brother, father, uncle, or grandfather - or by a rapist who attacks her on the way home from a Girl Scout meeting - and does not realize that she is pregnant until after eight weeks, will be obligated to carry the pregnancy full-term and deliver the baby.   One must suppose that is God's Will - at least in Missouri.

The proposed Missouri statute also contains a measure which would immediately make all abortions illegal within the state in the event the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade.

Missouri, like so many other rural states, shows strong support for fetuses, but once a child is born the state does everything within its power to stymie the kid's health, education, and general well-being.  God may want to protect those pregnancies, but the devil can take the kids once they slide through the birth canal.

Missouri's legislators routinely pass every bill that ALEC hands them, and beyond that they are interested in three things:  spreading the ownership of guns among white Missourians, controlling vaginas, and stuffing their pockets with gifts from lobbyists.

For all of the actual good that they do, the state would be better off sending the legislators home and then partitioning the Capitol Building into lofts and condos.  At least that way our citizens would be safer, and a few would benefit from nice housing with a grand view of the Missouri River!

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