Friday, May 24, 2019

Harriet Tubman Will Have to Wait Until the Racists Leave the White House

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Steven Mnuchin, a glorified loan shark who became the current Secretary of the Treasury through his prominence in some of the shadier branches of the banking industry, has been focused of late on the struggle to keep Congress from seeing Donald Trump's tax returns - even though an internal memo circulating in his own department informs him that he must comply with the congressional request.  Mnuchin argues that Congress can't have the documents it is requesting because Congress has no "legitimate" legislative reason to do so.

It's good to know that the determination of what are and are not "legitimate" legislative reasons for Congress to do something rests with whichever political hack happens to be the sitting Secretary of the Treasury.  So often the operation of government appears unfathomable to average folks, so this helps to explain at least one aspect of how things actually work in our nation's capital.

When Little Steve isn't busy managing the affairs of Congress - or flying his pretty young wife around of shopping sprees aboard private jets paid for with the taxpayer's dime - he occasionally can be found at the Treasury Department making decisions that revolve around his own job.  Those days are rare, but they do happen.

Yesterday was one of the days that Mnuchin tried to appear as though he was at work and focused on the nation's money supply - but, in reality, he was again just carrying water for Donald Trump.  Mnuchin announced that the new twenty-dollar bill design, the one featuring black abolitionist Harriet Tubman that was supposed to have been released next year, would instead not be printed and go into circulation after his boss, Trump, has left office.  (If, in the interim, Harriet's bill isn't cancelled altogether by the ever-petulant Trump.)

Trump, who knows little history or much else, for that matter, somehow developed into a fan-boy of Andrew Jackson, the man who removed tens of thousands of Native Americans from the southeastern United States in open defiance of a Supreme Court order - and forced-marched them on the cold and bitter "Trail of Tears" to a barren homeland in Oklahoma.  Apparently Donald Trump did not want to see his personal immigration hero deposed from the twenty dollar bill and replaced by a black woman.

Not only was Tubman a prominent and outspoken woman, and black, she was also championed for the new twenty-dollar bill by Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama.  Three strikes and she was out!

Harriet Tubman was born into slavery, escaped, and became a "conductor" on the "underground railway" by making several trips into the Old South and helping more that seventy slaves to escape to freedom in the North.  She also served as a spy for the Union Army during the Civil War.  She was someone who could be easily detested by Stephen Miller and the other racist cockroaches currently scurrying along the baseboards and dark crevices of the West Wing.

Her time will come - know that Mnuchin and Miller and Trump - and so will yours.

"Let us realize the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."                   Martin Luther King, Jr.

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

Yes, Louise Linton is attractive. Why there are even some photos of the actress with her clothes on! Why can't Republican women keep themselves covered these days! But at 5'7" I hardly describe her as little.

The news on Harriet Tubman is that we don't need Mr. Louise Linton's approval to put the face of Harriet Tubman on our twenty dollar bills. All we need to do is engage is some proactive civil disobedience. I refer you to the Harriet Tubman Stamp website, Once there you can learn how to make and use the Harriet Tubman Stamp to cover Old Hickory's image with the likeness of Harriet Tubman. There is even an instructive video to demonstrate. They do sell these stamps. Currently they are sold out.