Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Driving Distracted

by Pa Rock
Road Warrior

The past two days I have been on the road - a lot!  Yesterday I went to Mountain Home and Gassville, Arkansas, (about 60 miles from my home) for a couple of medical appointments.  The first was around noon and went relative easy, except for the inconvenience of having my eyes dilated and then having to drive to the next one wearing sunglasses.  The second appointment was at 3:30, and the physician finally shuffled in at 4:30.  By that time he was tired and just wanted to sit and chat - and I didn't get away until a quarter past five.

Rosie was fit to be tied by the time I finally got home!

Today I had an early morning appointment in Springfield - which is a hundred miles down the road west of West Plains.  While I was in the doctor's waiting room, I saw an electronic bulletin board with suggestions for successful medical appointments - one of which said to try and avoid late afternoon appointments because patients are more likely to be tired and forget to mention things to the doctors late in the day.  Remembering my experience from the previous day, I thought - Yes, and the doctors are more apt to be further behind at the end of the day.

I didn't see anything of note on the foray down into Arkansas yesterday, but on today's drive across southern Missouri I encountered three Trump bumper stickers, all on nice, but plain, pick-up trucks that were driven by old white men - human fossils in my age range.  Two said "Trump / Pence" and the other read simply "Make America Great Again."

The surest way to make America great again, at least to my way of thinking, is to vote Trump and Pence out of office - and possibly imprison their sorry asses - but I digress.

Somehow or other I also started pondering the party game, "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" - and realized that I had never measured by own separation from the star of the original "Footloose."  I came up with two answers:

First, I know my youngest son, Tim, a screenwriter from the Kansas City area.  Tim knows actor Michael Angarano who was the male lead in Tim's first move, "The Brass Teapot."   Angarano, in turn, played Jack's (Sean Hayes') adolescent son on the television sitcom "Will and Grace" - and Kevin Bacon did a guest episode or two on that series where he played opposite Will and Jack.  All of that puts three individuals - or degrees of separation between me and Kev.

But then, depending on how the rules are interpreted, I can also chart a path with just one degree of separation between myself and Kevin Bacon.   Way back in 2004 while I was visiting my niece in London, she and I attended a performance of Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing" at the Globe Theatre - a reproduction of William Shakespeare's original theatrical playhouse.  We were in the cheap seats, which meant we were down front standing in front of the stage where the other peasants used to gather to watch performances - as opposed to the more expensive benches and boxed seating further back.

The star of that performance as a Spanish actress named Yoland Vasquezz who played Beatrice.  Miss Vasquez also starred in the basketball movie from several years earlier entitled "The Air Up There."  She played a smart-mouth nun working in a rural African mission - and the main object of her ire was Kevin Bacon.  So, if standing ten feet away from someone counts as "knowing" that person, then I am separated from Kevin Bacon by only one person, the beautiful Yolanda Vasquez!

The older I get, the easier I am to entertain!

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

Guess since I know you and Tim then you've solved the 6° issue for me. Thanks.

I always try and schedule appointments with the doctor so that I am the first patient she sees that day and there is plenty of parking.