Sunday, May 26, 2019

Trump: An Embarrassment Abroad

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

In what may be the biggest affront to Japan since Jimmy Doolittle and his crew firebombed Tokyo in 1942, contemporary American guest Donald John Trump declined to follow tradition at a championship Sumo bout and sit cross-legged on a cushion on the floor as a front row spectator.  Trump instead demanded, and got, a chair on which to plant his ample butt during the major sporting event.

Custom be damned.  When in Tokyo, do it Trump's way!

The problem with Trump acceding to centuries of Japanese tradition is that once on the floor, it would  have taken several big men and a boy or two to lift the obese politician back to a standing position, an event that would've likely been photographed and made it into the press - and thus nullified Trump's preposterous malarkey that he is the fittest person to ever serve in the White House.

Obama could undoubtedly have sprung from a floor-sitting position to a full-stance with little perceived effort and certainly no sweat, but Trump, on the other hand, would come nearer requiring the services of a crane.

Our fat tyrant would do well to study the movements of the sumo wrestlers while he is on his golfing vacation in Japan.  Those fellows, who resemble him in physique, seem to bounce up and down with relative ease.  If they can gracefully move their tonnage, surely Trump could learn to at least sit and stand unaided.

But it's hard to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee when the most regular exercise you get is unwrapping Big Mac's and chasing a little white ball around in a golf cart.

Just sayin' . . . 

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