Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Storm's a Coming!

by Pa Rock
Preparedness Freak

The radio is giving warnings about major storms moving through northern Arkansas and southern Missouri - and using words like lightening, hail, strong winds, and even tornadoes.  I have had the dogs outside several times already today anticipating that they and I will be holed up in the basement for at least part of the day with no way to properly relieve ourselves.

But what to do while waiting for the big one to arrive?

I decided to make a big container of tuna salad, something I can keep in a cooler and snack on until the house is rebuilt.  I boiled a dozen eggs (fifteen actually, but sat three aside for snacks), opened three cans of beautiful Kirkland Albacore, and mixed it all together.  It was then that I realized that there wasn't a drop of mayo in the entire house!

I put the dogs on their best behavior and rushed to town to get the mayo.  I also bought three apples while I was there - to get the most that I could out of the hurried trip.  On the way home the local deejays were warning about two possible tornadoes in my county!

It was a total case of Willie Makit and Betty Dont.  But luck prevailed and I got to the house before all hell could break loose.

The tuna salad is now safely made and in the fridge, the electricity has already flicked on and off, the rain has started, and the dogs and I are heading to the basement.  And should the worst happen, we have plenty of tuna salad to keep us going until help arrives!

Be safe, America!