Sunday, November 13, 2011

Marines Rock!

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

I just returned from a "quick" trip to the Camp Foster Post Exchange where I went to buy a sixty-nine cent package of envelopes.  There weren't many people in the store, so while I was there I also picked up some holiday gifts and cards.  By the time I made it to the checkout counter my haul totaled two hundred and six dollars and change!

It was like one of those quick trips to Wal-Mart that manages to keep so many Americans well-stocked on crap - and broke!

But I did find some great Japanese-themed presents for my loved ones back in the states.  One of the gifts that I purchased, however, will not be going to family - at least not to my family.  The marines on Camp Foster have a "Toys for Tots" display just inside of the Post Exchange that is staffed by young members of the Corps decked out in their dress blues.  I bought a nice set of Lincoln Logs, one of my  favorite toys while growing up, and placed it in the Tots' collection box.  It was my second donation to that box this weekend.

If there are finer people on Okinawa than the young men and women of the Marine Corps, I have yet to meet them.  When I need any form of personal courtesy at Camp Foster, a marine will step forward to provide it.  These service members are polite and well-mannered, beginning or ending most sentences with  "sir," whether they are in uniform or walking around base in civilian attire.   They represent our country well.

I am proud to support "Toys for Tots" on Okinawa - as well as members of the Marine Corps who work so hard each year to make Christmas a little merrier for kids everywhere.  You guys rock!

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