Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Six Days on the Road and I Finally Made It Home Today!

by Pa Rock
Road Warrior

I arrived at my new home about three o'clock this afternoon.   Hooray!

There was some snow on the ground when I left Kansas City, but not much.  There was hardly any of the white stuff on the long road to Springfield, but when I headed east the ground was covered again.  Then, south of Willow Springs, there was a marked increase in the amount of snow on the ground.  The rural lane to my house had been plowed clear, but my driveway and back porch had a good accumulation - so I found my trusty shovel and got to work!

Country living - there's nothing like it!

Nick is here trying to help me get organized, but all I can think about is  hitting the hay!

Peace from my house to yours!

1 comment:

don said...

Welcome home, Rock! Glad you made it safely.