Wednesday, March 23, 2011

They Say It's My Birthday!

by Pa Rock
Seasoned Observer

Today I celebrated my birthday on Okinawa for the third time.  I was living on this little island the day that I turned twenty-four, twenty-five, and now sixty-three.  I really don't remember the first two, but the big six-three was nice.

My sons each called this morning before I left for work - Wednesday morning here, Tuesday night there - and I had a tweet from my daughter.  So any day that I hear from all of my kids is a good day indeed!

My friends Valerie and Kelly surprised me at work with two cakes that Valerie made, a plant, and a wonderful large birthday card that had my name and birth date written in Japanese script (kanji), with staff signatures on the back.  It is a wonderful souvenir of the island!  People were in and out of my office all day sampling Valerie's cakes - and there is plenty left for tomorrow.  Friday after work several of us are going to continue the celebration by going to Jack's, a nice restaurant on the air base.

Apparently Facebook knows it is my birthday, and I am not certain how I feel about that.  I have received some notices that friends have posted birthday greetings on my wall.  If you are in that group, thanks.  Unfortunately, I can't respond to the messages because Facebook expects me to regurgitate a password to access my page.  The password is long forgotten and I have no interest in seeking another - but I do appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Things remain good on Okinawa, but please continue to keep Japan in your thoughts and prayers.


Don said...

Happy Birthday, Rock

Phillipia said...

Happy Birthday, Rock!