Sunday, September 23, 2018

Tim Macy Reaches the Age of Jack Benny

by Pa Rock
Proud Father

The late comedian, Jack Benny, spent most of his life being thirty-nine, a false fact that was often written into the comedy routines that he performed on his radio and television shows.  Benny's other running gags revolved around his persona as a tightwad who could give Scrooge McDuck a run for his money, and the fact that although he was the boss, two of his co-stars (Mary Livingstone and Eddie "Rochester" Anderson) were the de facto brains of the outfit.  Jack Benny died back in 1974, but today he is most likely sitting on a cloud somewhere reliving old vaudeville routines with the likes of George Burns and Gracie Allen and rocking the heavens with laughter.  And through it all, he is still undoubtedly just thirty-nine years old.

I remember my mother once saying that she cried when her father turned thirty-nine (she would have been six at that time) because someone had told her that people die when they are forty - and she realized that her father just had one year left to live.  Fortunately for his passel of kids and grandchildren, Granddad lived out that year - and more than forty others to boot!

Today my youngest child, Tim, turns thirty-nine.  He has had some amazing successes in his life, including writing two brilliant full-length motion pictures, but his greatest success was in marrying Erin and, with her, bringing two amazing youngsters - Olive and Sullivan - into the world.

At the very young age of thirty-nine Tim has already done more to make the world a better place than many of the rest of us will ever even contemplate, and I suspect that the next several decades will undoubtedly bear witness to an increasing shine to his legacy.

Happy birthday, Tim.  Your old dad is very, very proud of you!

1 comment:

molly. said...

Happy birthday T-bone. :)