Friday, September 14, 2018

Salt Lake After Dark and Underground

by Pa Rock
Sound Sleeper

One of the members of our group asked me this morning if I had heard the gun shots the night before.  I had not.  He said six rounds were fired in the parking lot behind the hotel sometime around 2:00 a.m. As we left the hotel and walked toward the library, I took a quick glance around the parking lot - but did not see any crime scene tape.

Parking lots in Salt Lake City are often underground.  During our garden tour Wednesday evening the guide mentioned much of Temple Square sits above a massive parking garage where many of the employees who work at the Church headquarters park their cars.  Most of the large buildings owned by the Mormon Church also have multi-level basements.  There are two basement floors below the library.

Perhaps the most famous "basement" in Utah is the Granite Mountain Records Vault where the Mormon Church stores its most important documents - including originals and copies of their entire genealogy collection - literally billions of images on microfilm, microfiche, digital media, and printed matter.

And, a family in the Church told me that they have to maintain a stockpile of six months of groceries in their homes.

Whether it's due to preparation or paranoia, the good Mormons seem to be focused burrowing and hoarding.  There is a survivalist feel to the religion of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young.

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