Friday, September 21, 2018

A Pig Flies

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Donald John Trump, a man who has bragged about his own history of sexually abusing and harassing women, spent part of yesterday evening and this morning castigating Dr. Christine Blasey Ford for not reporting Brett Kavanaugh to the FBI thirty years ago after the drunken frat boy - and future Supreme Court nominee - tried to rape her.  Trump is downright indignant that she did not report the crime back in the day, even though his own experience with the numerous women who have made sexual allegations against him would indicate that such crimes rarely are reported at the time they occur.   Women often don't report because they fear they will not be believed - just as Trump busies himself today questioning Dr. ford's motivations and veracity - or they fear that they will be blamed for the crime.

Donald John is busy being a male chauvinist - and a pig, identities from which he derives great comfort.  He believes in the innate superiority of the male animal, and he takes pleasure in seeing women put in their place.   He also understands the importance of keeping blacks and people of color in their place as well.  In Trump's world, certain people are born to own hotels, while others are born to clean them.

One man is born to golf, and another is born to carry his clubs.

In Trump's world people's fates are determined by their race, parentage, and gender.  Trump is a bigot on the order of the ones who ran America during the first half of the twentieth century, a throwback to what he see's as the American ideal, and a period that many others remember for its cruelty and lack of opportunity.

This morning, after righteously trashing Dr. Ford, Trump met with supporters at one of his properties in Las Vegas where he is trying to prop up GOP incumbent Senator Dean Heller.  This afternoon he flies to Springfield, Missouri, where he will speak at the largest venue in town, the John Q. Hammons arena at my old alma mater, Missouri State University.   Trump will speak in support of Josh Hawley, the Republican Senate candidate in Missouri, and then quickly fly out to New Jersey where he will spend the night - and the weekend - at his golf resort in Bedminster.

Donald Trump has an exceedingly rough life, flying between his personal resort properties, dragging an entourage along to rent rooms and dine on the public dime, and playing endless rounds of golf - all the while trashing victims of sexual abuse and campaigning to keep his potential accusers and inquisitors from gaining control of Congress.

He is all of that - and a squeal.

Yes, Flo, it appears that pigs really do fly - aboard Air Force One!

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