Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Prominent Republicans Will Skip Convention

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

The Republican National Convention is set to begin next week in Cleveland, and as the gathering nears, the list of GOP political dignitaries who won't be attending seems to be outpacing the list of those who will.

There are only two living former Republican Presidents - George H.W. Bush and his dimwitted son, Dubya - and both of them are giving Cleveland a pass.  Also not attending will be the last two Republican presidential nominees - the ones Obama beat - John McCain and Mitt Romney.  (And if McCain's skipping, so too will Senator Lindsey Graham.)

Of the fifty-four current Republican senators, sixteen have said publicly that they won't be going to the GOP convention, and another six are still mulling it over.  Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona won't be attending due to a pressing need to mow his lawn, and Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska plans on using the convention week to spend time with his kids watching dumpster fires.

Even Missouri's Senator Ol' Roy Blunt, a man who hasn't missed a Republican convention in the past sixteen years, won't be attending.  When pressed as to why he will be a "no show," Blunt babbled a bit of nonsense claiming conventions really weren't all that important to him.

More likely, Blunt, who is facing a credible challenge to re-election this November, doesn't want to run the risk of having his picture snapped with Donald Trump, or to have Missouri's growing Hispanic population see him as complicit in the Trump plans to deport eleven million immigrants or build a two-thousand-mile, thirty-feet high, wall along our country's southern border.

The good news is that people traveling to Cleveland next week for reasons other than the convention ought to be able to find rooms.  Those not interested in going to Cleveland for any reason, might opt instead to head to Nebraska and check out the dumpster fires.  They reportedly can be spectacular this time of year!

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