Sunday, March 6, 2016

Traveling Politics

by Pa Rock
Road Warrior

The Macy war wagon made it safely back to West Plains around noon today.  Rosie slept most of the way home while I rocked out to tunes from a classic rock station.  This time we did not have one of those odious Arkansas Highway Patrolmen interrupt our journey.  (I doubt that last year's fine and subsequent expense of safe driving school are deductible, but I gave the information to my tax person just in case.)

I stopped at Lowe's in Mountain Home, Arkansas, on the way back where I used my veteran's discount to purchase three dogwood trees (two reds and a white) as well as topsoil, compost, and mulch.  I'm sure the young deer around Rock's Roost will find the dogwoods to be delicious!

Okay, here's what I think about Ted Cruz winning two election events yesterday:  he's almost as dangerous and reprehensible as Trump.  I fear that it's the old six-of-one versus half-a-dozen-of-the-other.  The absolute worst candidate still left in the Democratic field (that would be Mrs. Clinton) is nevertheless head-over-stacked-heels above anything the Republicans seem to be able to dredge up.

I love the sobriquets that Donald Dumbass has placed on his two major opponents:  "Lying Ted" and "Little Marco."   I've called Santorum "Little Ricky" for years, which is much kinder than what Wikipedia has to say about his unique last name.

Condolences to the Reagan family on the loss of Just-Say-No Nancy.  For those who might have missed it, her son, Ronald Reagan, Jr, endorsed Bernie Sanders last week.

Many people in southern Missouri and northern Arkansas had the opportunity to see my "Bernie" bumper sticker putting down the road this weekend.  During that four hundred miles of driving I saw absolutely no other political bumper stickers.  Apathy, apathy, apathy!

The Missouri Presidential Primary will be one week from this coming Tuesday on March 15th.  Pa Rock will vote early.

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

The frothy remark is duly noted.

Looking at the Kansas turnout it seems that many of the people who came out for Bernie were the kind of folk who came out for Obama. The kicker is that it appears that many of the people who came out for Hillary 8 years ago either stayed home or showed up for Bernie.

The women who have waited for a woman to be the President were for Hillary.

I think Hillary got a lot of blue collar vote in 2008 at the Kansas caucuses because of the color of Obama's skin. The President hasn't enjoyed much favor in his grandparent's home state. Yesterday I think that blue collar vote went with Bernie's economic message. But this is my speculation only, I have no hard data to support my conclusion, only an as I see it gut feeling.