Friday, October 4, 2013

The Shutdown Road Trip

by Pa Rock
Non-Essential Government Employee

My sister Gail arrived in Phoenix yesterday afternoon and this morning we hit the road for San Diego.  It took longer than usual to cover the distance between the two cities, because we weren't in any hurry. In fact, I haven't felt rushed about anything since the Republican shutdown of government began last Tuesday.

Our stops on the way west included Gila Bend (where Prince Harry learned how to fly Apache helicopters two years ago), Dateland (primarily one business adjacent to a date grove that sells date products and other tourist paraphernalia), Yuma (for the cheap Arizona gas), El Centro (can't remember why, but probably a bathroom pit stop), and the Golden Acorn Casino in the mountains about twenty-five miles east of El Cajon (for lunch - my prime rib special was $7.77 - included salad, baked potato, green beans and carrots, and a big slab of prime rib!), and finally the Naval Amphibious Base on South Coronado Island where we are staying in beautiful rooms on the ninth floor of the guest house -$53.00 per night per room).

This afternoon we strolled into the town of Coronado, walked through the beautiful Del Coronado Hotel (where Some Like It Hot was filmed in the 1950's), walked along the beach behind the Del Coronado (where my daughter, Molly, and her husband, Scott, were married a few years back), visited some tourist shops, and had a nice Mexican dinner before walking back to the Navy base.

It's San Diego - so the weather is beautiful.  Tomorrow we will have lunch with Aunt Mary and our cousins, Linda and Janet.  We may go to the harbor in the afternoon and also possibly Imperial Beach, a funky old surfing community that I always enjoy.  Sunday we are planning to take the trolley tour of San Diego and Coronado.

Home Monday.

I almost feel like I should thank Speaker Boehner and the Talibangelicals for the time off, but I can't bring myself to heap any praise on people whose primary aim is to wreck the economy.  I need to be working - and so does the rest of America!

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