Friday, March 22, 2013

I'm Back!

by Pa Rock
(Not very) Patient

Friday morning (10:00 a.m.) in Phoenix.  I am sitting up and am back on the computer for the first time since surgery on Tuesday.  I had 181 emails waiting on me, eleven of which weren't asking for something, and seventeen spam messages.

Tim did a nice job of keeping the blog running, and I really appreciate that.  Molly is here with me.  Nick is supposed to arrive on Saturday, but apparently is dealing with nearly a foot of snow in southern Missouri.  I feel confident that he will arrive safe and sound.

Just did a lap around the ICU.  It was easiest trip yet!

I have spent the better part of two days watching continuous NCIS and Law and Order SVU on the USA Channel - which means my mind has turned into a radish.  So let's blame bad writing and poor spelling on that.

Love you guys!

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

Seems like a tricky way to get your kids to show up for your birthday! Have a good one tomorrow. You're writing in great voice!