Citizen Journalist
The National UFO Reporting Center is located in Davenport, Washington. That organization has collected over 30,000 reports of Unidentified Flying Objects in U.S. airspace in the past fifteen years. Those reports are sorted by U.S. counties at
(Who even knew that such an organization existed? Is Fox Mulder on its board of directors?)
Many counties filed no reports, while others had dozens and even hundreds. Looking at the map does not reveal any rhyme or reason for some counties having literally hundreds of sightings while others close by had none. Could it be related to meth use? Or a diet too rich in tea?
Esmeralda County, Nevada, which, according to Wikipedia, is located half-way between Reno and Las Vegas, had the highest UFO reporting ratio in America with 479 reports per 100,000 individuals. It is known for closed mines and ghost towns. Kent County, Texas, came in second at 427 per 100,000. Kent County had a total population of 859 people in 2,000, and, interestingly, it is a dry county.
Keya Paya, Nebraska, had reports of 374 per 100,000 people, and there were 269 UFO sightings per 100,000 people in Lake and Peninsula County, Alaska – many of which could be seen from Sarah Palin’s front porch!
McDonald County, Missouri, reported 26 sightings per 100,000 - actually a very paltry number considering that the county's population would have to quadruple to be anywhere near 100,000. Local pride should remain be in tact, however, because it still had more than any of the adjoining counties in Missouri, Oklahoma, or Arkansas.
McDonald County, Missouri, reported 26 sightings per 100,000 - actually a very paltry number considering that the county's population would have to quadruple to be anywhere near 100,000. Local pride should remain be in tact, however, because it still had more than any of the adjoining counties in Missouri, Oklahoma, or Arkansas.
But Arizona is where my homeboy pride really resides. The Scorpion State had UFO sightings in every county. When that word gets out, expect the state legislature to pass a hate crime disguised as legislation – and look for Joe Arpaio to hold a press conference! No illegal aliens means no illegal aliens – unless, of course, they are willing to scrub toilets and do yard work for sub-minimum wage!
Lock and load, Arizona. Lock and load!
Lock and load, Arizona. Lock and load!
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