Monday, February 15, 2010

Race to the Bottom

by Pa Rock
Arizona Voter

The race is on! Today former Arizona Congressman and right-wing radio personality J.D. Hayworth announced that he will indeed run against crotchety old John McCain in the Republican primary for McCain's senate seat. Right on cue, McCain has veered so far right that he is in danger of falling over.

Hayworth says that McCain campaigns as a conservative and legislates as a liberal. McCain says "Get off my yard!" Hayworth says that McCain has been in the Senate too long (24 years). McCain says "Get off my yard!" Hayworth asks what has McCain done for Arizona in the past decade? McCain says nothing - he has dozed off.

Both of these slugs have big names lined up to campaign for them. McCain has the new Republican senator and rock star from Massachusetts, Scott Brown, in his stable of campaigners, along with his old running mate, Sarah Palin. (The fact that Palin is standing by the man who brought her to prominence has some of the rabid right-wingers spitting remarks that link her to the likes of Benedict Arnold or Barack Hussein Obama!)

J.D. Hayworth is garnering the nutburger endorsements - well, all but Palin's. Pat Buchanan has already announced that he is supporting Hayworth, and (no surprise here) Sheriff Joe Arpaio is also lending his his sterling reputation to enhance the Hayworth vote. (Look out, John. Hayworth has his sights set on the senile seniors of Sun City - your base!)

Get out the lawn chairs and the margaritas. This race is gonna be fun!

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