Sunday, November 1, 2009

Digging in the Dirt

by Pa Rock
Involved Homeowner

My boys were out here over the second weekend in October and got to see my claptrap hovel at its worst. Bushes were overgrown, plants needed potting, and generally the outside was not something that I was proud of. Since they left, I have really started to get things in order. I have removed two crazy bushes, pulled up a lot of crappy ground cover - lantana - and took down a large trellis that was home to some bizarre roses that covered one whole end of the trailer. A neighbor told me this evening that I was really getting the place cleaned up.

Today is the beginning of the two-day Latino holiday El Día de los Muertos (The Day of the Dead). I had planned to celebrate by taking in a vampire movie, but the weather is so pleasant and the days so short that I guilted myself into staying home and working in the yard. I am now officially retired from two jobs, yet it seems like I have never been busier! If the vampires are still out sucking next weekend, I'll meet up with them then!

In other news: The ham went back into the crock pot again today. Scroungy Bastard and I pigged out - pun intended! It is now standard time in the rest of the free world, but we never change anything in Arizona. My home air-conditioner kicked on once today - briefly! The Valley of Hell ain't too bad in the winter!

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