Wednesday, August 7, 2024


by Pa Rock
Traveling Fool

The Roeland Park Macys made it home at midnight last night after more than 1,200 miles on the road driving in from rain-soaked Orlando.  I was glad to hear them coming in, and I know that Jack's tail was undoubtedly wagging to beat the band.

Tim had called earlier in the evening to let me know that tomorrow's train (now today's train) was running four-and-a half hours late.   I relayed the information on to my Chicago ground crew - Dr. Heidi and her family - and then went to bed where I remained awake most of the night.  I will undoubtedly sleep well at the Drake tonight.

As a former social worker I love the gathering points for land transportation - bus and train stations - because they draw such an interesting mix of characters.   This morning I sat down on a hard bench in the trains station next to what looked like an ordinary young woman.  I must have made an impression on her because she soon began crying and moaning.  A few minutes later I am fairly sure that she was applying a roll-on deodorant under her arms!  Real people, God love 'em, not like the human cattle that are herded and degraded through our nation's airports en masse.  

I have also been observing a three-generations Amish family who appear to be waiting on the same train as I am.   Their several children, some quite small,  are sitting quietly where their parents placed them - no yelling, no screens, no commotion.

People are starting to line up with their baggage, even though my Wrist Mickey says there are still around forty-five minutes to go.   I'm not going to get in any rush.  There will be a seat for me somewhere, and on Amtrak there are no middle seats!

Bon voyage!

1 comment:

Ranger Bob said...

What! You're going to leave us hanging about the plain young woman who was crying? Now I'm stuck between a story about how her man left her and how her deodorant had shards of glass put there by her little brother.