Monday, August 26, 2024

Another Grift Is Coming Down the Pike

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

When angry protesters took to the streets of many cities in America following the death of George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer in the summer of 2020, Donald Trump, who unfortunately was President at the time, referred to the demonstrators as "anarchists" and "agitators," and he sent "tactical teams" from sixteen government agencies into several American communities to help restore order - whether the communities wanted the federal government's help or not.  Many local officials claimed that Trump's interference and use of federal force made the situations worse in their cities.

Trump made it clear from the get-go that he was no fan of public protests, but that tough-guy attitude suddenly changed when people protested in support of him.  Donald Trump does not refer to the January 6th rioters at the US Capitol as "anarchists" or "agitators" - or even "rioters."   He calls them "patriots," "warriors," and "victims," and even "hostages."

One must suppose that it's all in the eye of the beholder.

Trump said at a rally in Waco, Texas, earlier this year,  "Under Joe Biden, American Patriots are being arrested and held in captivity like animals."    He also declared on "Truth Social" that one of his first acts as President next year would be to "free the January 6th Hostages being wrongfully imprisoned!"  

"Law and order" no longer appeared to be  a Trump priority.

This past week it was announced that a Trump political action committee (that is not affiliated with the Trump campaign)  and a private non-profit group will be hosting a big fundraiser to help cover legal expenses of the January 6th "protesters."   The event is being called the  "J6 Awards Gala" and it will be held at Trump's Bedminster golf club in New Jersey on September 5th.  Tickets will start at $1,500 and the groups sponsoring the event hope to raise over one million dollars.

Trump probably hopes they will raise that much too, since his business is sure to pocket a considerable portion of the proceeds.

Trump's picture as an "invited guest" is being displayed prominently in the advertising promotions for the fundraiser, though his campaign is saying that he will not attend in person.  Even so, he will certainly be there in spirit with all of those generous supporters of the wonderful patriots, warriors, victims, and hostages.  If it's a really big group, maybe they can even pass the hat to help build some more wall!

I wonder how much the parking fees will be?

(It would be nice if a few of them rolled up their sleeves and pulled the weeds from Ivana's grave while they are there!)

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