Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Democratic Team: A Prosecutor and a School Teacher!

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

He was a back-of-the-pack dark horse candidate who somehow maneuvered his way to  through a crowded field of prominent politicians and today was named by Kamala Harris as her vice-presidential running mate.  Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota is going places!  When Harris began her vetting process a couple of weeks ago, Governor Walz was basically just a name on a list and not one of the ballyhooed favorites, but as America got to know him, and, more importantly, as Kamala Harris got to know him, it quickly became apparent that Tim Walz had a knack for communicating with ordinary people.  He had spent his life as a member of the working class, and he knew and understood the language of real people.

At a time when rural state legislators are defunding public schools and funneling public money to charter (and often religious) schools as fast as they can raise their little hands, Kamala Harris stood tall today and named a retired public school teacher as her running mate.  It was a recognition of the importance of professional American educators that has been long overdue.

In addition to years of teaching high school social studies and coaching football, Walz also served twenty-four years in the Army National Guard where he finally retired with the rank of Command Sergeant Major, the highest military rank that an enlisted person can attain.

After he retired from the public schools and the military, Walz ran for Congress as a progressive Democrat in a red district in Minnesota where he not only won, but he managed to hang onto the seat for ten years until he came back to Minnesota to run for governor.  He is now in his second term of running the state.  His political life has been like the years preceding it when he was teaching school and holding down a second job with the National Guard - hugely successful!

Beto O'Rourke, a political hero of mine, sent around an email today discussing Harris's choice of Walz for veep.   O'Rourke, himself a former member of Congress, said of Tim Walz:

"I got to know Tim in Congress, where I sat next to him on the House Veteran's Affairs committee for six years.  We became good friends and close colleagues.  I saw him fight for veterans, tenaciously winning resources and accountability for those who've put their lives on the line for America.  And I watched him represent his rural Minnesota district with the kind of strength, common sense, and empathy that set him apart from other members of the House."

"He also happens to be a terrific dad and husband - there isn't a conversation I've had with him where he doesn't bring up. his kids always beaming with pride."

There were no bone spurs in Tim Walz's family tree.  VoteVets describes Tim Walz as "the highest ranking enlisted man to ever serve in government."

As governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz signed legislation insuring that every K-12 student in the state has access to a free breakfast and lunch every day that school is in session.   The former teacher says that a hungry child has trouble learning, and that is so true!

(This is America in the 21st century.  No child should suffer from hunger - ever!)

Governor Tim Walz has signed a host of progressive legislation.  He talks the talk and he walks it, too.  He will be an outstanding Vice President of the United States, and one whom I suspect will have an outsized role in the actual hands-on management of the government.  

Kamala Harris has made a very smart selection!

Things are looking up for the Democratic Party and for the United States of America!

1 comment:

Ranger Bob said...

I heard talking head comments that Walz might pick up a lot of the folks who abandoned the Dems in favor of the alternatives. I think I like that idea. His selection surprised me. He would not be my pick but what do I know.