Monday, August 19, 2024

Greatest Bible Huckster Since Moses Pray

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Penultimate grifter Donald Trump released a financial report last week which, among other things, showed that he made $300,000 with his endorsement of the "God Bless the USA Bible."  In addition to the proceeds of his crass commercialism of the Christian holy text, he has apparently also signed some copies of that same version the Bible and its patriotic addendums, and those are currently selling on the internet for the bargain price of just one thousand dollars each.  Get yours today!!!

For those who enjoy tales of a conman sticking it to the rubes, may I recommend the 1973 film, "Paper Moon," a wonderfully funny and poignant tale about a Depression era swindler by the name of Moses Pray (Ryan O'Neal) who along with his too-cute-for-words daughter, Addie (Tatum O'Neal), peddles overpriced Bibles to grieving widows across the Midwest.  Moses Pray did not make the kind of money with his grift that Trump did, but he was far more charming and entertaining - and that's worth a lot!

Yes, Donald may have pocketed a cool three hundred grand for selling a book he has never read and doesn't understand - and not given one damn nickel of the proceeds to any charitable cause, but the important thing is that through his salesmanship he was also able to glorify himself - and isn't that the whole point of religion?

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