Sunday, August 11, 2024

It's Not What You Know . . .

by Pa Rock
Traveling Fool

I am at Chicago's Union Station waiting to board the train for Kansas City, and so far this experience has not been nearly as stressful as what I had to go though in Kansas City just four days ago.  This time my niece Heidi drove me to the station, walked me in, planted me on a bench, and said "I'll be right back."  By the time she came back a couple of minutes later she had convinced someone that I would need help getting my luggage and feeble old carcass to the train.  A man on a tram pulled up, loaded my bags and me onto his vehicle, and drove the Missouri Mess to a special lounge to wait on the train - which is two-and-a half-hours into the future..

A lady in the lounge put a red plastic bracelet on my arm, and when I asked her a question about the boarding process, she said "Just go sit down and we will find you.  We will be putting you on about twenty minutes early."

Wow.  In Kansas City I had run up and down the track multiple times trying to jump through all of the boarding hoops, but here they were coming to me!  I don't know what Heidi told them, but she is a doctor, so I may be in worse shape than I realize!

Everybody needs a niece like Heidi!

I am so FINISHED with flying!

"So Chattanooga choo-choo, won't you choo-choo me home!"

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