Sunday, August 4, 2024

Jimmy Carter Hangs On to Vote for Kamala

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Jimmy Carter, the 99-year-old former US President who has been in hospice care for nearly a year-and-a-half, still has one more item to attend to on his bucket list before he shuffles off this mortal coil.  According to a report in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, President Carter told his son Chip last week, "I'm only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris."

The esteemed former President will turn 100-years-old on October 1st. Early voting in Georgia begins October 14th.    Or - in the event he might qualify for absentee voting in the November general election, those ballots are sent out by county officials beginning twenty-nine days before the election - which would be October 7th.

Jimmy Carter, a remarkable human being who, along with his beloved wife Rosalynn,  has done so much for humanity, is waiting patiently to leave his mark on the world one final time.  He is truly an inspiration.

We should all have Jimmy Carter's level of determination when it comes to voting.  It's how we keep our democracy safe and strong.

Hang in there, Jimmy.  America loves you!

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