Thursday, August 15, 2024

Teaching Is a REAL Job - and so is National Guard Service!

by Pa Rock
Former Teacher

A Trump campaign spokesperson made a ridiculous statement this week, one that merits prolonged attention.   While speaking for the struggling campaign of the former reality television personality and convicted felon, Caroline Sunshine said that Democratic vice-presidential candidate, Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota, a retired high school teacher and member of the Minnesota National Guard for more than two decades, "never held a real job in his life."

Say what!  A man who has spent decades in the classroom teaching young people the basics of government, history, and geography, and decades coaching young athletes, and decades serving his county in uniform in his "spare time," is being called out as lazy or under-employed by a political hack who makes a living magnifying the lies of politicians.

Somebody is shameless in that situation, and it is not Tim Walz!

I have personally taught the same subjects to the same types of students as Mr. Walz, and I am here to tell you that capturing the attention teens who would rather be outside doing a hundred other things is not easy.  Yet, every interview that I have read with former students of Mr. Walz talk about how exciting and dynamic he was in the classroom - and how he kept their attention and turned them into eager learners

And as a former high school teacher who did not coach, I can attest to the fact that coaches are often full of themselves and regard any actual teaching assignments as hindrances to their true destinies of landing a spot in some sport's hall of fame.  Tim Walz helped lead his rural high school's football team to its first state championship, that is true, but he also worked tirelessly to promote a balance between athletics and academics to insure that his school produced well-rounded graduates who could succeed in the real world.

And, to completely understand what a serious and determined teacher Mr. Walz was, consider this:  the married father of two, football coach and social studies teacher, volunteered to run his high school's very first Gay-Straight Alliance.   Walz said that he thought that organization would play an important and very necessary role on campus, and he felt that his involvement would add legitimacy and respect to the group.    Walz's efforts gave voice to students who had previously felt the need to live their lives in silence.  The school, and the community, and Tim Walz learned and benefited from that experience, and today, Tim Walz, the governor and vice-presidential candidate, is a strong supporter of LGBTQ rights.  It was a win for everyone.

Shame on you, Caroline Sunshine and the Trump campaign, for denigrating the importance of public school teachers and members of the National Guard.  May you, Ms. Sunshine, and you, Mr. Trump, one day have the honor and joyful experience of holding down "real jobs" of your own!

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