Saturday, August 31, 2024

"Don't Even Think About Using My Music You Fascists"

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

The title of this blog posting is from a post that singer Jack White placed on Instagram this week in response to the Trump campaign using a song by White's duo, The White Stripes, without his approval or permission.  The campaign's use of the song, "Seven Nation Army," was at the center of the controversy.   The song was playing in the background of a video of Trump boarding an airplane on his way to some swing-state rallies.  Jack White was quickly threatened legal action.  The offending video was removed that afternoon.

But Jack White, who had been seriously triggered, was not finished with the former President.  He also used the opportunity to say his piece regarding Trump's highly controversial visit to Arlington National Cemetery earlier in the week, a visit that was ultimately featured in a Trump campaign promotion.  The singer added this:  

"And as long as I'm here, a double f--- you DonOld for insulting our nation's veterans you scum."

Damn, Jack, tell us how you really feel!

This week the Swedish singing group, Abba, issued a similar, though less vitriolic, statement when they discovered that the Trump campaign had also been using their music.  They are demanding that all promotions by Trump using their music be taken down.  

Other artists who have objected to the Trump campaign using their music without permission (as taken from a posting on Wikipedia) include Adele, Aerosmith, the Animals, the Beatles (the estate of George Harrison), Beyonce, Bruce Springsteen, Celine Dion, Credence Clearwater Revival, Earth, Wind, and Fire, Eddie Grant, Elton John, Everlast, Foo Fighters, Free, Guns N' Roses, the estate of Isaac Hayes, Johnny Marr, Leonard Cohen, Linkin Park, Luciano Pavarotti, Neil Young, Nickelback, Nico Vega, the O'Jays, Ozzy Osbourne, Panic!  at the Disco, Pharrell Williams, Phil Collins, the estate of Prince, Queen, R.E.M., Rihanna, the Rolling Stones, Sinead O'Connor, the family of Tom Petty, Twisted Sister, the Village People, and Yoann Lemoine.

That is quite a chunk of the contemporary music scene, but if the world's neediest politician craves some musical love maybe he could turn to one of the musicians who actually support his campaign. That list includes Jason Aldean, Kanye West, Kid Rock, Billy Ray Cyrus (but not Miley), and several hip-hop artists and groups with whom this tired old typist is woefully unfamiliar.  However, I somehow doubt that any of them can hold a chord to "the Boss," Bruce Springsteen, belting out a loud chorus of "Born in the USA!"

The evidence would indicate that creative minds tend to vote Democratic - and dull minds tend to steal music!

Friday, August 30, 2024

Imaginary Trading Cards - Get Yours Today!

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

This week while Vice President Kamala Harris was carefully laying out policy proposals that will affect the lives of Americans and citizens of the world for generations, her opponent in the presidential election, Donald Trump, was also busy.  Trump, the elderly, convicted felon was re-hashing his greatest hits with an announcement of the sale of a new batch of his digital trading cards and pieces of another of his old suits.  

The contrast between the two could not have been more pronounced.   One is a clear-eyed, optimistic, and highly competent leader focused on taking us into the future, and the other is a deranged carnival barker who longs to wallow in obscene wealth.  One is for us, the other is for himself.

I have been doing some reading on digital trading cards, trying to figure out just what the hell they actually are, and why anyone would want them. They are modeled on baseball and sports cards that are sold in small packs, with the idea being that buyers (or collectors) will trade or swap cards with other collectors until they have a complete set.

But with "digital" cards there is no card, just a digitized photo of a card that the buyers (collectors) can pull up on their computers and  look at when they want to see how they have spent their money.  It's a great plan as long as your wi-fi is working, or your computer hasn't been stolen, or that slip of paper where you wrote your password to access the digital trading cards hasn't disappeared, or a computer virus hasn't eaten your cards, or North Korean hackers haven't stolen your cards and held them for ransom, or lightning . . . 

The cards are a great value at just $99 each, and to sweeten the deal, suckers investors who buy fifteen of the imaginary cards (just $1,485!) will also receive a real one that will have a fragment of the suit that Trump supposedly wore the night he debated President Biden.)   What a deal!

Who says MAGA is a cult?

Donald, have you ever considered that all of this politics stuff is just a giant waste of your valuable time.  Selling imaginary crap over the internet is the way of the future.  Overhead is low and it is almost all profit.    Why not digitize the menu at Mar-a-Lago and offer the rubes digital fine dining at prices they can almost afford?  Why shouldn't Billy Joe Bob be able to take Loretta Irene out for a digital surf-and-turf in the digitally remastered main dining room at Mar-a-Lago on their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary?  Heck, if they've managed to save enough of that crypto money, maybe you could even rent them a digital room for the night?

And think of the money you could make renting out digital apartments in a digital Trump Tower to social climbers in the Midwest!  Imaginary renters will never clog the toilets or be late with the rent, and if they are - just delete their accounts.  Easy, peasy!

Donald, your true talent is grifting.  Stay in your lane!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Subversive Magazines, Aisle 3

by Pa Rock
Citizen Shopper

My little town has four grocery stores, but only two sell greeting cards.  One of those is the most expensive grocery store in town, and the other is Walmart, a place where I choose not to shop.  So the other day when I needed milk, bread, and a card for a special occasion, I found myself in  the aforesaid most expensive grocery store in town standing in front of a display of greeting cards - which was right next to display of magazines. I'm a sucker for books and magazines, so I quickly found myself pivoted to that section.  

The first thing that caught my eye among the magazines was a glossy publication about Vikings.  Years ago I had the good fortune to visit Birka, a small island in the Stockholm Archipelago that was once home to a large Viking colony, and I have been interested in the Vikings and Norse mythology since the time of that visit to Birka.  So I picked the magazine up and prepared to give it a quick scan, but as I lifted it from the rack I discovered that it had apparently been used to hide the store's single remaining issue of another magazine - The Time Magazine" August 26th issue with Kamala Harris on the cover.  (Just $8.99 plus tax!)

That set me off on a tangent to see what other election-related materials were in the store's literature department - either in plain sight or hidden.   I discovered one stack of glossy souvenir election magazines with Donald Trump on the cover, and a stack of Kamala's, too!  (Both of those were a steal at $14.99 plus tax!)

Being a fool with plastic in his pocket, I bought the last copy of the Kamala issue of Time and one of the Kamala souvenir magazines ($26.00, tax included!)   I wanted to be able to peruse the publications in the privacy of my own home rather than having the town watch me as I skimmed them free in the grocery store.  I am handling the magazines with extreme care so that I can repurpose them as Christmas gifts to my granddaughters!  They will make nice souvenirs of the inauguration of our nation's first female President.

The most memorable part of the transaction at the grocery store was the priceless look of disgust that I got from the older gentleman who rang up my purchase.  Now I am undoubtedly on a list somewhere!

Oh, and I decided against buying the magazine about the Vikings, so I put it back on the shelf - directly in front of the Trump souvenir magazines! We all can play that game!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Political Stunt Disrupts the Peace at Arlington

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Donald Trump paid a visit to Arlington National Cemetery near our nation's Capitol on Monday.  He brought along his political entourage as well as a few family members of the 13 US military troops who had been killed at the Kabul, Afghanistan, airport's Abbey Gate as our nation finished its withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, a move that had been set in motion by the Trump administration but had been concluded while Joe Biden was President.    Trump's sudden interest in the fate of members of the US military appeared to be more closely tied to national politics than it was to honest concern over the victims or their families, and he has been accused in the press of trying to draw attention to the chaotic withdrawal and place the blame for that on Biden.

Trump, who has a long history of disparaging members of our military and has reportedly referred to American veterans and war heroes as "suckers" and  "losers," had also been at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day in 2017, while serving as President of the United States, with retired Marine Corps General John Kelly,  Trump's one-time Secretary of Homeland Security and later his longest-serving Chief of Staff.  They had been there for the annual wreath-laying ceremony, but then took a stroll through the cemetery to visit the gravesite of Kelly's 29-year-old son who had been killed in Afghanistan.  While they were at the son's grave, Trump turned to the bereaved father and said, regarding the dead service members:  "I don't get it.  What was in it for them?"

And to Trump's credit, he undoubtedly did not "get it."  The Trump family has avoided military service for generations, and Donald himself avoided the draft during the Vietnam War when his father was able to locate a doctor who was creative enough to save the younger Trump from the bother of going to war - and diagnosed the avid golfer with "bone spurs" of the feet.

Praise Jesus and pass the Big Macs!

In November of 2018, Trump, who was still President, travelled to France on the taxpayer's dime to, among other things, take part in the one-hundred year anniversary of the Armistice that had ended the First World War.  While there he suddenly declined to take part in a wreath-laying ceremony at an Allied cemetery where many American servicemen were interred because the weather had turned rainy and Trump was fearful of mussing his highly-shellacked hair.

A few years later General Kelly revealed that Donald Trump did not like to be seen with military amputees because "It doesn't look good for me."

Last week Trump, now a "former" President was again in the news on a military-related matter when he publicly compared the Congressional Medal of Honor with the Presidential Medal of Freedom and declared that the Medal of Freedom was "much better" than the Medal of Honor because you did not have to be wounded or killed in order to receive it.  Al Lipphardt, the head of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) issued a statement in which he called Trump's remarks on that subject "asinine and crass."

And so this week, Donald John Trump, a man with a long and sordid history of disparaging the US military, shows up at Arlington National Cemetery with some family members of US war dead in tow along with campaign staff, and a videographer and photographer - just over two months out from a national election that could keep him out of jail - and proceeds to hold a ceremony that smells like a partisan political stunt.

According to those in charge of the national cemetery, federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries.

In a report on National Public Radio (NPR) an incident occurred when the Trump group showed up on Monday and proceeded to photograph their ceremony.  A cemetery official attempted to keep them from filming and photographing in the area where the graves were located.   A verbal and physical altercation ensued and the cemetery official was verbally abused and pushed aside by members of the Trump campaign staff.   She has filed an official report on the matter.

Trump's campaign manager, Chris LaCivita, referred to the cemetery official as a "despicable individual" and Steven Cheung, a campaign spokesperson, remarked that the cemetery official was "clearly suffering from a mental health episode."

Officials from the Trump campaign calling the cemetery official, who was just trying to do her job by adhering to federal law, "despicable" and questioning her mental health.  Oh, the irony!

She is a patriot well worth a salute and a handshake!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Our Doggone Dog has Done Come Home!

by Pa Rock
Chaser of Dogs

Gypsy, our large pitbull/bulldog mix, has been in residence at our home since her arrival last December 17th,  She was on a walkabout from her previous home when she arrived here and decided to stay, and since that time she has gone on several short day trips to the local park and other areas of interest on her own and definitely without permission.  My son named her Gypsy before we understood her proclivity for travel, and it has proven to be an exceptionally good fit.

(My son was able to locate Gypsy's previous family, but problems developed after a brief reunion, and they asked if we would take her back - which we happily did.)

Our big dog was close to a year old when she arrived the The Roost, and she has recently begun to give up some of her annoying puppy habits such as getting in the trash or ripping her toys to shreds - and it has been several months since she last chewed-up a remote control. but she still likes to occasionally slip away on her own and take a goodwill tour of the community.   

Gypsy is easily led astray by a male mongrel dog who has captured her fancy, and when I see him lurking in the community, I keep her inside.  She also loves the high school track students who run by in small groups on our country lane, and will enthusiastically join in their runs.  Their runs usually end at the park, so I know where to begin looking for her when she does go missing - and she is becoming well known, so a couple of times people have brought her home when I had tried to find her and failed.

Gypsy is basically a day-tripper, and had never spent the night out on her own - until this past weekend.

She and I were outside Saturday morning, just barely after daylight, when a young lady who was going for a run passed in front of our house heading north to where our country lane intersects with another about two hundred yards further on.  Neither one of us noticed the runner until she had reached the corner and turned east, still running along our property line.  She was on the other side of our tall-grass field and moving at a good clip when  Gypsy spotted her and began running through the overgrown field in pursuit.  I watched helplessly from afar as she caught the young woman, introduced herself, and then lopped beside her on down the road.

I couldn't have caught them on foot, so I continued my morning walk for a few more minutes, then went in the house, gathered my keys and wallet, backed the car out of the drive, and went looking for the truant dog to give her a ride home.  I soon found the human runner and told her that I was looking for the dog who had been running with her.  She told me what a "sweet" dog she was, and pointed to another country lane and said that Gypsy had followed her down there but had not come back with her.  I drove the entire length of that road, three miles or so, but could find no trace of the runaway.

Throughout the day I kept calling Gypsy from the back porch and taking drives up and down the road where she had last been seen, but she was apparently enjoying herself and not wanting to be found.  When my son returned from work in mid-afternoon he took up the search but did not have any luck either.  Late Saturday evening a young man who had encountered my son on one of his searches, stopped by the house and told me that he had seen Gypsy just off of the road that we had been searching the entire day, but that she would not come to him.    I went and looked again, but still did not locate her.

Sunday was filled with several more fruitless searches, and by that evening I had given up hope and assumed that something had happened to her - a predator had gotten her, or someone had given her a ride out of the area.  I didn't expect to see our girl again, and I was surprised at just how sad that made me feel.  But then, just at dark when I was getting ready to fix supper, the back door opened and my son guided our extremely tired and happy-to-be-home dog into the house.  He and a friend had found her not far off of the road that we had been searching for two days.  

Gypsy took a long drink of water from her bowl and then crawled onto her bed and slept soundly for about twelve hours.

Our doggone dog had done come home!

Monday, August 26, 2024

Another Grift Is Coming Down the Pike

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

When angry protesters took to the streets of many cities in America following the death of George Floyd at the hands of a white police officer in the summer of 2020, Donald Trump, who unfortunately was President at the time, referred to the demonstrators as "anarchists" and "agitators," and he sent "tactical teams" from sixteen government agencies into several American communities to help restore order - whether the communities wanted the federal government's help or not.  Many local officials claimed that Trump's interference and use of federal force made the situations worse in their cities.

Trump made it clear from the get-go that he was no fan of public protests, but that tough-guy attitude suddenly changed when people protested in support of him.  Donald Trump does not refer to the January 6th rioters at the US Capitol as "anarchists" or "agitators" - or even "rioters."   He calls them "patriots," "warriors," and "victims," and even "hostages."

One must suppose that it's all in the eye of the beholder.

Trump said at a rally in Waco, Texas, earlier this year,  "Under Joe Biden, American Patriots are being arrested and held in captivity like animals."    He also declared on "Truth Social" that one of his first acts as President next year would be to "free the January 6th Hostages being wrongfully imprisoned!"  

"Law and order" no longer appeared to be  a Trump priority.

This past week it was announced that a Trump political action committee (that is not affiliated with the Trump campaign)  and a private non-profit group will be hosting a big fundraiser to help cover legal expenses of the January 6th "protesters."   The event is being called the  "J6 Awards Gala" and it will be held at Trump's Bedminster golf club in New Jersey on September 5th.  Tickets will start at $1,500 and the groups sponsoring the event hope to raise over one million dollars.

Trump probably hopes they will raise that much too, since his business is sure to pocket a considerable portion of the proceeds.

Trump's picture as an "invited guest" is being displayed prominently in the advertising promotions for the fundraiser, though his campaign is saying that he will not attend in person.  Even so, he will certainly be there in spirit with all of those generous supporters of the wonderful patriots, warriors, victims, and hostages.  If it's a really big group, maybe they can even pass the hat to help build some more wall!

I wonder how much the parking fees will be?

(It would be nice if a few of them rolled up their sleeves and pulled the weeds from Ivana's grave while they are there!)

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Prosecutor Makes Her Case

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

The full text of Kamala Harris's acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, as well as video of the actual speech itself, are available across the internet and undoubtedly will be forever.  It was an amazing presentation that highlighted her own story as a native Californian who was born to immigrants from two different parts of the world, ambitious young people who came to the United States for education and the opportunity to be successful in life.  She talked about her childhood, the community in which she grew up, and the important people who helped to safeguard and guide her through the early years of her life, many who were non-relatives but she referred to with terms of endearment like "Aunt" and "Uncle."

Kamala's parents, and particularly her mother, Shyamala Gopalan Harris (a biomedical scientist), steeped her and her sister, Maya, in the importance of civil rights and addressing injustice, and Kamala, the eldest of the two siblings, went on to become a lawyer who dedicated her entire legal career to representing "the people," first as a prosecutor, and later as the Attorney General of California.  It was in those roles that she built a formidable reputation for taking down the bad guys, both human and corporate.

After using her speech at the convention to introduce herself, Kamala Harris, the prosecutor, calmly and factually introduced Donald Trump from "the people's" perspective.  Her remarks represent a brief and very succinct account of Trump's legal situation as well as his past and current threats to democracy.  They have the sound and feel of a skilled prosecutor's summation to a jury at the end of a complicated trial.

Kamala Harris said, for the people:

In many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man.

But the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious.

Consider not only the chaos and calamity when he was in office, but also the gravity of what has happened since he lost the last election. 

Donald Trump tried to throw away your votes.

When he failed, he sent an armed mob to the United States Capitol, where they assaulted law enforcement officers.

When politicians in his own party begged him to call off the mob and send help, he did the opposite. He fanned the flames. 

And now, for an entirely different set of crimes, he was found guilty of fraud by a jury of everyday Americans. And separately, found liable for committing sexual abuse.

And consider what he intends to do if we give him power again. 

Consider his explicit intent to set free the violent extremists who assaulted those law enforcement officers at the Capitol. 

His explicit intent to jail journalists. Political opponents. Anyone he sees as the enemy. 

His explicit intent to deploy our active-duty military against our own citizens.

Consider the power he will have— especially after the United States Supreme Court just ruled he would be immune from criminal prosecution.

Just imagine Donald Trump with no guardrails. How he would use the immense powers of the presidency of the United States. Not to improve your life. Not to strengthen our national security.

But to serve the only client he has ever had:  Himself.

Very well said!  We know who she is, and we certainly know who he is.  The choice is clear.

When I go to the polls to vote, I focus on my children and grandchildren.

I will proudly be casting a vote to elect Kamala Harris President of the United States this November, and that same vote will also signify my strong desire to keep Donald Trump out of the White House.  Both of those goals are critically important in securing a government steeped in freedom, democracy, and human decency.

That's the world I want to leave for my children and grandchildren.

It's no longer about me.

It's about them.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Pa Rock's House of Speed

by Pa Rock
Man of the Times

Living in the country is a normally a quiet and peaceful existence that promotes good health outcomes through things like better sleep and less day-to-day stress.  But country living also has its downsides.  Getting to a medical specialist, a large entertainment venue, or a major transportation hub can require several hours on the road, and finding certain products often involves placing orders with a remote provider and waiting for them to be delivered.

One particular problem that I encountered ten years ago when I moved from the fourth-largest metropolitan area in the US to a home outside of a small rural town in the Missouri Ozarks was public services.  The house that I chose to buy and inhabit was located about a mile beyond the city limits.  The city, a community of 12,000, had extended its electric service to the area where I lived, but not water, which meant that I got my water through from a well and disposed of sewage through a septic tank system.  Wifi was available through several providers, none of whom were local or reasonably priced - and the quality of service was sporadic depending on exactly where your dwelling was located.

Eventually I managed to get the house connected to a rural water company and retire the well, but the septic system and poor wifi remained - and with the advent of television through "streaming" services and "smart speakers" for music and news, wifi became more and more important - and as our home's dependency on wifi increased its dependability decreased.  A month ago it was to the point that when I would boot-up the computer, the television would pause, and it was almost impossible to get through any program without several pauses of varying lengths regardless of what else was pulling the wifi.  (It sort of reminded me of the telephone "party-line" days of my youth when we had to wait on the neighbors to finish their calls before we could make ours.)

I suspected that I could get a faster internet speed from my provider, but had been reluctant to start that process because every phone call to the "local" provider gets bounced to a call center in a foreign location and I have trouble understanding and making myself understood, so I had just let the bad service go unchecked for way too long.

Last week my son had a friend over from work, a young man who seemed to know quite a bit about technology.  So since we had an available expert to answer our questions, we asked a few.  His ultimate diagnosis was that our internet was very slow - on a par with the old dial-up modems of a couple of. decades ago.  

Duly shamed, I decided it was time to take action.

That very day I phoned the "local" internet provider, and instead of being bounced to Pakistan or Bangladesh, this time I wound up speaking to a very nice young lady in Central America, or perhaps Ecuador, and after a brief discussion in which she sold me a better service, and a lengthier discussion in which she tried to convince me to rent faster modem that I ultimately bought outright, we were in business.  The modem would arrive in two days and I would be responsible for installing it and the new speed would increase on Monday.

Sunday evening the old wifi service was shut down without warning, and the new modem did not arrive until the next afternoon, so that was inconvenient as hell.  On Monday morning I took my laptop to town and wrote and published the daily blog in the McDonald's parking lot, and then came home and spent the remainder of the morning working on Word documents that did not require a wifi connection.  That evening my son's friend came back over and got the television, computer, and printer hooked up to the new modem and life was grand - until he discovered that "Alexa" and her good friend "Dot" would come on board.  Knowing that those two devices were several years old, and I had experienced several problems with "Dot" previously, I suggested that I might replace both with newer models, and my son's friend thought that would be the way to go.  (If they didn't work, I could always return them through Amazon's liberal return policy.  Thanks, Bezos!)

Time to shop!

I have, for over a decade, had an old radio/alarm clock on the bedside table.  I never use that alarm because I wake automatically before dawn every day, but I like to have a clock close by so that when I wake up in the middle of the night I can readily see how much time I have left before I have to get up.  The radio quit working years ago.  As I shopped for a "Dot" replacement, I saw that they now have a "Spot" which had a clock face.  The "Echo" family, including "Alexa," "Dot,"and "Spot," get their time from the Marine Corps Band or some other government agency and reset automatically whenever the power goes out, so I was really interested in this essentially worry-free small "Spot" with a clock face.  One item down.

I didn't see the primary "Alexa" that resembled my old one, so I contacted my Kansas City son and asked for his recommendation.  He liked the most expensive option - of course he did - thanks, Tim! - a squat and heavy speaker called the "Studio."  Two items down.  Shopping complete!

The new smart speakers arrived yesterday, and I determined to try and  hook them up myself.  Both required a fair amount of reshuffling clutter and dusting before I could proceed, but eventually I had a clean space in the bedroom for "Spot" and a bigger space in the living room for "Studio."  "Spot" required pulling-up the "Alexa" app on my phone (I could handle that), plugging the device in (managed that one, too), and then scanning the bar code thingy that appeared on "Spot's" screen.  That took a call to Tim, but then I managed to do that one also.  After that I checked a couple of boxes on the app while "Spot" made its own adjustments, and a couple of minutes later it was lit up and playing "Whiskey River" by Willie!

The hardest part about setting-up the much larger "Studio" was just finding a place to put it.  After that I plugged it in and moments later Hank Senior was rocking the house with "Jambalaya."

(If it is simple enough that I can do it, folks, it is really, really simple!)

And I'm back in business.   The television plays without interruptions, and the computer races through a couple of hundred emails a day without those unnecessary and very annoying delays that I had endured for years with the old wifi service.  I learned yesterday evening that the "Studio" will even find and boot-up shows on television - as long as they are on Prime.

I'm in techno-heaven, and all for an extra $10 a month (and some new equipment).

I probably should have done it sooner.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Best Democratic Convention Ever!

by Pa Rock

Anyone who traveled to Chicago hoping to witness a standard Democratic Convention of back-biting, in-fighting, intrigues, out-of-control protests, and political upheaval laced with spitting, cussing, and fisticuffs, is probably heading to the bus station this morning feeling sorely disappointed.  (Well, there was one nationally televised dick joke,  but it was at Trump's expense and very, very funny!)   The Democratic Convention of 2024, the Kamala Harris and Tim Walz convention, was organized well and carried out flawlessly amid an atmosphere of joy and exuberance, and the speeches were some of the finest oratory to ever grace the American political scene.  It was a far cry from the mess of a Democratic Convention that Chicago and then Mayor Richard J. Daley hosted back in 1968.

The speakers this year, and especially the ladies, were amazing - from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ripping into Trump and calling him a "two-bit union buster," to Hillary, and Nancy Pelosi, and Oprah. But, up until Kamala Harris took the stage herself last night, the absolute show-stopper was former First Lady Michelle Obama.  This morning I read some commentary on the convention that had been written by comedian and radio host Garrison Keillor. He had this to say of Michelle's speech at the convention:

"Nobody could ever claim that AI pieced this big sweaty raucous circus together from old Bears and White Sox clips, it was by God real, the two nominees, the two ex-presidents, and the one who stole the show, Michelle Obama.  You had to get tears in your eyes to see the close-ups of Black women, the pride gleaming in their faces when she lit into Trump:  "Most of us will never be afforded the grace of falling forward.  We will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth.  If we see a mountain in front of us, we don't expect there to be an escalator waiting to take us to the top.  No."  And then came the punchline, snatching up Trump's line that illegal immigrants are taking "Black jobs":  "Who's going to tell him that the job he's currently seeking might just be one of those 'Black jobs'?"  The roar that followed was truly a hurricane."

Michelle Obama is smart, and lovely, and very, very real.

And so, too, are Coach Walz and his family.

And so, too, is Kamala!

Six weeks ago I was mired in bleak despair, absolutely certain that Donald Trump and his world of greed and bigotry and hate would prevail at the polls in November.  Now that despair has gone, completely evaporated, and I have a surging optimism that Harris and Walz are going to win - and win big - so big that the cancer of Trumpism will be eradicated from our great land forever!

Several of the speakers at the convention talked about the buzz of excitement in the air.  It's there, it's real, and we all need to work to keep that buzz of excitement - of hope, and freedom, and joy - alive and moving forward!

We are off to a great start with a great team!

Kamala Harriss and Tim Walz in 2024!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Undersecretary for Roadkill

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, a once-prominent member of one of our nation's best known and most influential Democratic families, has been on a quest seeking the presidency.  He entered the race as a Democrat in April of 2023 but dropped out before any primaries were held.  He talked about running as a Libertarian, but in October of 2023 declared his candidacy for president as an Independent.   

Kennedy currently has qualified for the ballot in 24 states, and signatures on his ballot petitions are still being counted in 22 others, including the District of Columbia.  He failed to reach the required number of signatures in four states (Kentucky, Mississippi, Rhode Island, and Wyoming), and the state of New York has blocked him from that state's ballot over his purported use of a fake address.

Regardless of how many different states qualify Kennedy for their ballots, the candidate's personal quirks and odd beliefs seem to have severely limited his appeal to voters.  Not only does he seem quick to embrace conspiracy theories, Kennedy is public in his concerns over some aspects of modern science and has particular issues with the use and worth of vaccines in combating disease.  Kennedy also made news when he said that doctors had found a dead parasitic worm in his brain, and that the worm had eaten part of his brain.  

Kennedy recently admitted dumping a dead bear cub in New York City's Central Park ten years ago, a bear the he said was roadkill and that he had planned on eating.   According to a story in The Guardian on August 8, 2024, Kennedy told reporters "I have been picking up roadkill my entire life.  I have a freezer full of it."

(Eating roadkill and then being infected with a parasitic worm?  Could science have something of value to say about that?)

Before the big shake-up a month ago when Biden dropped out, Kennedy was consistently polling around 10% nationally, and higher in swing states - but Joe leaving the race seemed to take Kennedy with him, and the Independent's numbers dropped precipitously - with many of his supporters apparently realigning with Kamala Harris.

But still he persisted - for awhile.

Recently Kennedy has reportedly met with the Harris people and the Trump people looking for a cabinet position if he drops out of the race.  He wants a reward for any votes he might be able to shift to one of the major party candidates.  The Harris campaign has shown no interest in offering a job to Kennedy, but Trump told CNN on Tuesday of this week that he would "probably" bring Kennedy into his administration.

The talk now is that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, and his running mate, billionaire Nicole Shanahan, will have an announcement tomorrow in Phoenix where they are expected to withdraw from the race and throw their remaining support to Donald Trump.  Trump is also scheduled to be in Phoenix tomorrow.

(Phoenix in August - been there, done that - never again!)

So if the country - and world - goes to hell in November, at least we will have our first-ever Undersecretary for Roadkill with the US Department of the Interior - or, better yet, a new Special Assistant to the White House Chef!

Be sure to try the "Chef's Surprise," Donald!

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Dear Chuckles

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Senator Schumer:

When I saw you literally dance up to the podium last night at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago I was hopeful that you would use your five minutes of prime time to not only deliver your professionally-crafted applause lines for Kamala Harris, but also put in a plug for the Democratic Senate candidates -  the incumbents as well as the aspirants - and you managed to do that, kinda sorta.

I took some time this morning to listen to your speech again and make a few notes.  You singled out five Democratic incumbents who are in tight races:  Jackie Rosen of Nevada, Jon Tester of Montana, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Sherrod Brown of Ohio, and Martin Heinrich of New Mexico.  We all understand the importance of keeping Democratic control of the Senate, and re-electing those five is a critical part of that calculus.

In your pivot to highlighting the aspirants, you labeled them "our amazing candidates" and put the spotlight on Ruben Gallego of Arizona, Angela Alsobrooks of Maryland, Andy Kim of New Jersey, Elissa Slotkin of Michigan, Lisa Blunt Rochester of Delaware, Collin Allred of Texas, and Debbie Mucarsel-Powell of Florida.   They are a fine group of individuals and clearly all have the potential to be great senators.

Chuck, would it have interfered with your obvious buzz yesterday evening to have mentioned Lucas Kunce in Missouri?  The young and dynamic native Missourian and Marine Corps veteran has been campaigning relentlessly for over a year now to unseat Missouri Senator (and Virginia resident) Josh Hawley - and Kunce is running a very credible race.

You're aware of Hawley, aren't you Chuck?  He was the senator who had his fist in the air outside of the Capitol on January 6th giving open encouragement to the insurrectionists - and then later that same day he was running through the Capitol building in full panic mode as he fled from the same group of terrorists that he had been supporting just a few hours earlier.  I'm sure you must remember all of that Chuck.  I know I do - and so do thousands and thousands of Missourians - and we've all been waiting patiently for Election Day so that we can show Hawley just how well we remember his treachery and cowardice.

Not only did Josh Hawley openly support the US Supreme Court Dobbs' decision which took away the constitutional right of women in this country to access abortion care, his wife, Erin Hawley, is associated with the "Alliance Defending Freedom," a conservative Christian advocacy group that works to expand Christian religious influence and practices in public schools and government, outlaw abortion, and oppose LGBTQ rights.   They are a dangerous power couple on the order of Clarence and Ginni Thomas.

Did you know, Chuck, that Missouri ended almost all access to abortion services literally within minutes of the Dobbs decision, the first state to do so - and that the "show-me" state now has a constitutional amendment on the ballot for this November that will restore those rights?  That amendment is going to pass big time, and not only will it pass, it will also draw voters to the polls who would not normally have shown up.  And Chuck, those voters are very likely to support Democratic candidates.

You should not only be mentioning Lucas Kunce when you rattle off your list of "amazing candidates," you should also be sending some of the DSCC cash his way.  You certainly have no qualms about begging Missouri voters for donations to the DSCC.

Get Josh Hawley out of the Senate and replace him with a real Missourian like Lucas Kunce, and then, Chuck, you will really have something to dance about!

Keep those feet limber and happy!

Your Pal,

Pa Rock
West Plains, MO

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

BS Detector Goes Pooey

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

There is only so much that any piece of mechanical equipment can be expected to handle before it wears itself out, and in the age of Donald Trump it is not unusual for me to go through two or three BS detectors in a political season.  This past year I purchased a new one, and on the advice of my good friend, Wiley Coyote, I went with the "Acme 2024" a top-of-the-line, state-of-the-art model that is supposedly unsurpassed in its ability to sniff out the poop of the bull.

I was hopeful that I could make it through an entire election year without having to send this detector in for repairs, but realistically I knew that with Donald Trump in the race, that would be a challenge.  The surprisingly durable device held together through the primaries and even through the sexist garbage that Trump piled on his Republican rival, Nikki Haley, much of it stuff that he had also slathered on Hillary Clinton in 2016.  It even withstood Trump's attacks on various components of the legal system as his backlog of civil and criminal court actions finally began the slow slog toward justice.

But Biden flamed out at the debate in late June, and soon after that a teenager attempted to murder Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania, and the bellicose, grandstanding Trump went to Milwaukee where he dominated the GOP convention and seemed to be a lock for returning to the White House.  Trump relaxed and the crazy diminished, at least for a short while.

Then that sneaky Joe Biden withdrew from the race and Trump was suddenly facing his absolute worse nightmare -  an intelligent black female prosecutor - and the crazy returned in full force.  This past week as the increasingly popular Kamala Harris began pulling ahead of Trump both nationally as well as in the swing states, and as she and her exceedingly popular running mate, Governor Tim Walz, were preparing for a week of free, and hopefully positive, press coming out of the Democratic convention in Chicago, Trump started to lose it, big time.

Trump has already played the race card to attack Harris, saying that she used to identify as an Indian American but "turned" Black out of political expediency, which is a total lie about the candidate who has always identified as bi-racial - Black and South Asian.    This week stories began circulating that he was referring to Kamala Harris as "nasty" and "a bitch" in private conversations.   But when none of those slanders seemed to be making an impact, he began questioning her intelligence and referring to Harris as someone with a "low IQ," an assertion that is extremely rich coming from him.  He said:

"I don't think she is a very bright person.   I think I am a very bright person and a lot of people say that. I don't think she's a very bright person, and you know what?   Our country needs a very smart person, but I don't consider that an insult, that's just a fact."

And with that my Acme 200 began to shake and move around.

On Saturday at a campaign event in Pennsylvania he said that in her economic speech the day before Kamala Harris had gone "full communist," a term he used twice, and then referred to her as "Comrade Kamala."  He also shared a fake image of the Vice President at an event with a large communist flag in the background.

It was so Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, and the 1950's.   My BS detector did a backflip but had a graceful enough landing to avoid any serious damage.

The true test of my machine's worth came later in the same speech when Trump, who had been seriously rattled when Kamala Harris had appeared on the cover of Time Magazine earlier in the week, and who has created fake covers of himself on Time, decided to compare his own appearance to that of the Vice President.    Trump said:

"But I say that I am much better looking.  I'm a better-looking person than Kamala."

And with that my Acme 2400 BS detector exploded and I have been scraping poop off the walls for the past several days.

It is one of the oldest of political axioms:   Manure in, manure out!

Monday, August 19, 2024

Greatest Bible Huckster Since Moses Pray

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Penultimate grifter Donald Trump released a financial report last week which, among other things, showed that he made $300,000 with his endorsement of the "God Bless the USA Bible."  In addition to the proceeds of his crass commercialism of the Christian holy text, he has apparently also signed some copies of that same version the Bible and its patriotic addendums, and those are currently selling on the internet for the bargain price of just one thousand dollars each.  Get yours today!!!

For those who enjoy tales of a conman sticking it to the rubes, may I recommend the 1973 film, "Paper Moon," a wonderfully funny and poignant tale about a Depression era swindler by the name of Moses Pray (Ryan O'Neal) who along with his too-cute-for-words daughter, Addie (Tatum O'Neal), peddles overpriced Bibles to grieving widows across the Midwest.  Moses Pray did not make the kind of money with his grift that Trump did, but he was far more charming and entertaining - and that's worth a lot!

Yes, Donald may have pocketed a cool three hundred grand for selling a book he has never read and doesn't understand - and not given one damn nickel of the proceeds to any charitable cause, but the important thing is that through his salesmanship he was also able to glorify himself - and isn't that the whole point of religion?

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Billies: Hill, Shill, and Pill

by Pa Rock
Bumpkin Pundit

Yesterday I used this space to comment on derisive terms that right-wing politicians are hurriedly trying to coin to disparage Democratic vice-presidential candidate, Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota - a former high school teacher, football coach, weekend warrior, and a remarkably well-liked and all-around nice guy.  So far they are field-testing two:  "hick lib" and "woke yokel."  Those "insults," as with many Republican plans, come with problems.  They really aren't the zingers that the name-callers would like for them to be, and they are, in fact, more humorous than hurtful.  I wouldn't mind being called either one.

Governor Walz is particularly upsetting to the Republican Party because he is stealing the spotlight - big time - from their own midwestern vice-presidential candidate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio.  Vance had risen from obscurity in 2016 when he published a best-selling memoir (at the tender age of thirty-two) of his life growing up in a culture of poverty, drugs, and depression in the Midwest.  That effort was entitled "Hillbilly Elegy:  A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis."  The Ohio State University and Yale Law School graduate was accused by some of using his narrative to exploit his background for personal gain.  At least one reviewer referred to Vance as a "shillbilly" for profiting not only off of his own life and story, but also those  of his friends and family.  "Shillbilly," was a targeted attack with much more of a sting than "hick lib" and woke yokel."

There is another derogatory term that is becoming common in the rural midwestern culture, and while it does not apply to JD Vance, it certainly resonates among a broad group of rural denizens whom Vance does discuss at length in his book, including one in particular who is a very close relative of the author.  The social class Vance talks about are opioid and prescription drug addicts, as well as heroin addicts.   This ever-expanding group of troubled souls have begun to be referred to as "pillbillies."  Drug addiction has become so common in the Midwest that the term "pillbillies" has even worked its way into the professional literature.

I can remember when "hillbillies" were folks in the funnies like Li'l Abner and Daisy Mae, Ma and Pa Kettle, and Snuffy Smith heading out at night to steal chickens.   But there was also a developing culture of moonshiners, thieves, and other assorted miscreants who were living on the edge of the law and slowly morphing into the heavy drug-dependent culture of meth cooks, addicts, abusers, thieves, vandals, vagrants, and other miscreants and social misfits who roam the hills today looking for quick money and their next fix.  

It looks as though the presidential election of 2024 will have more of a midwestern focus than we have seen in the recent past, so it can't hurt to expand our view beyond the big industrial cities and urban centers and out into the small towns with their Main Streets, coffee shops, and Friday night football games - and on down to honkey tonks, cheating spouses, thievery, abuse, addiction, willful mayhem, and all manner of moral darkness.  It's far more dangerous and disconcerting than just dealing with (and name-calling) the few who happen to lean left politically.

There are lots of serious problems in the Midwest.  Tim Walz and JD Vance have both experienced life here, and they know what those problems are.  Donald Trump has already spent four years in the White House and did not fix anything.  Perhaps Kamala Harris will.

I'm for going forward and finding out.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

In Praise of "Hick Libs" and "Woke Yokels"

by Pa Rock
Bumpkin Pundit

Political attacks by Republicans usually slide quickly into name-calling because that's all they have, and this election year is certainly no exception.  Trump has attacked Kamala Harris on her race, gender,  and unusual first name - something any four-year-old can pronounce correctly but Trump can't.  He generalizes her record as being too liberal for regular Americans and calls her a "San Francisco communist."  He also likes to take swipes at her intelligence and refers to her as having a "low IQ."

If you are seeking serious policy evaluations or thoughtful comparisons of positions, don't bother listening to Trump.  He doesn't even know what those things mean.   Donald's schtick is adolescent name-calling, shameless bragging, and constant lying.

Kamala Harris's gender, mixed-race ethnicity, and background as a fairly progressive prosecutor from the Oakland area of California provide plenty of room for Trump and the GOP's insult-writers to come up with plenty of derogatory things to say about her, but coming up with ways to name-call and insult her running mate, Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota, has proven to be more challenging.

Tim Walz, like the Republican veep candidate, JD Vance, is from a working class, white family in the midwestern United States, but unlike Vance, Walz had a full career as a working professional before entering politics.  He spent more that two decades as a high school teacher and football coach, as well as a weekend warrior with the National Guard, jobs that most Americans can identify with and understand.  It was not going to be possible to paint Tim Walz as a "San Francisco communist," so the Trump GOP had to quickly come up with something just as mean-spirited and ugly, but geared more toward the rural midwest.

They have tentatively settled on two snappy slurs which are currently being field tested by the right-wing blonde news corps.   One is "hick lib," and the other is "woke yokel."  Both are easy to say and simple enough that even a MAGAt should be able to remember them.   A problem arises however with the fact that not all of us denizens of midwestern rural America feel insulted by these lame attempts at snark.  I actually think they are kind of funny and would have no problem with claiming either label for myself.

Of course, by highlighting terms like "hicks" and "yokels," the jackals who run Trump's GOP stand a risk of pissing off his rabid hillbilly base, and if Walmart shoppers turn on the elderly convicted felon, he will be in real political trouble.

Unlike Trump, that would be truly rich!

Friday, August 16, 2024

Armageddon: The Future is Firewood and Brush Piles

by Pa Rock
Land Owner

Ah, the joys of being a member of the landed gentry and having acres and acres (ten, total) of lush greenery with an abundance of large trees . . . joyful at least until the big winds blow in!

And late last night they blew in with gusto!

This morning there is small brush and assorted tree debris down in every direction, and a limb down behind the house that is literally the size of a tree.  It is about eighteen-to-twenty inches in diameter at the base.The limb was ripped from the east side of an oak tree about twenty feet in the air, and it landed on the west side of the same tree with a thud that shook the ground. Miraculously, the huge limb landed between the well house and our home, a fairly tight space, but did not do any damage to either structure.  (If it had hit the house it would have taken out the main bathroom, the utility room, and the bedroom where Rosie and I sleep.)

Cleaning up that mess as well as the yard in general is the homeowner's responsibility.  (Excuse me while I take a bow!)   Right now the plan is for my son and one of his friends to get out their trusty chainsaws and turn it into firewood.  It will make quite a bit of winter fuel for someone.  (I heat with expensive propane - and that huge limb could have landed on our recently-filled 1,000-gallon propane tank with just a slight deviation in wind direction.)

The large oak tree that fell north of the house managed to block one lane of the county road - and the base and trunk remain on my property - and will make even more firewood.  Nick called it in to the sheriff's office during the night as soon as he saw that the tree was down, and the dispatcher told him that it was their third report on the same tree, and not to get too excited because trees were down all over the county.

Our power went out twice during the night.  Lots of lightening and thunder and howling wind.

Nick left for work before daylight, and I was out surveying all of the chaos just as the sun was coming up.  The county showed up shortly after 6:30 a.m. with three pickups with emergency flashing lights, a road grader, and a backhoe on a trailer.  The road grader tried to push the brushy end of the tree off of the county road, with little success.  Then three guys with chainsaws took over and had all of the limbs down onto the pavement in just a few minutes.    The grader came back and pushed the brush over on the property owner's land to let him deal with the mess - thank you very much.

Miraculously, none of the 50'-60' pines blew over.  Just one of them could have taken out the entire house or garage.

(Last month I paid my homeowner's insurance for the year - a premium that was way too high, and two days ago I paid my car insurance for six months, another premium that was way too high.  So this afternoon I will call my insurance agent and tell her how much I cherished the tree that was damaged and the tree that blew over - and ask to be compensated.  Then I will listen patiently as she explains  ad nauseam how my policy covers everything under the sun except anything that I might want to claim!  I won't give her too much grief because she will be dealing with plenty of other cantankerous old fools today, and they need time to say their piece, too!)

The neighbor lady just told me that we are going to have another round of this stuff this afternoon

One of the guys with the chainsaws this morning said that the event last night had either been a straight-line wind or a tornado.  I didn't hear the proverbial freight train passing overhead, so my guess is that it was just a really big wind.  Perhaps something out of Mar-a-Lago.

Regardless of where it originated, I blame Trump.

Climate change is real!

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Teaching Is a REAL Job - and so is National Guard Service!

by Pa Rock
Former Teacher

A Trump campaign spokesperson made a ridiculous statement this week, one that merits prolonged attention.   While speaking for the struggling campaign of the former reality television personality and convicted felon, Caroline Sunshine said that Democratic vice-presidential candidate, Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota, a retired high school teacher and member of the Minnesota National Guard for more than two decades, "never held a real job in his life."

Say what!  A man who has spent decades in the classroom teaching young people the basics of government, history, and geography, and decades coaching young athletes, and decades serving his county in uniform in his "spare time," is being called out as lazy or under-employed by a political hack who makes a living magnifying the lies of politicians.

Somebody is shameless in that situation, and it is not Tim Walz!

I have personally taught the same subjects to the same types of students as Mr. Walz, and I am here to tell you that capturing the attention teens who would rather be outside doing a hundred other things is not easy.  Yet, every interview that I have read with former students of Mr. Walz talk about how exciting and dynamic he was in the classroom - and how he kept their attention and turned them into eager learners

And as a former high school teacher who did not coach, I can attest to the fact that coaches are often full of themselves and regard any actual teaching assignments as hindrances to their true destinies of landing a spot in some sport's hall of fame.  Tim Walz helped lead his rural high school's football team to its first state championship, that is true, but he also worked tirelessly to promote a balance between athletics and academics to insure that his school produced well-rounded graduates who could succeed in the real world.

And, to completely understand what a serious and determined teacher Mr. Walz was, consider this:  the married father of two, football coach and social studies teacher, volunteered to run his high school's very first Gay-Straight Alliance.   Walz said that he thought that organization would play an important and very necessary role on campus, and he felt that his involvement would add legitimacy and respect to the group.    Walz's efforts gave voice to students who had previously felt the need to live their lives in silence.  The school, and the community, and Tim Walz learned and benefited from that experience, and today, Tim Walz, the governor and vice-presidential candidate, is a strong supporter of LGBTQ rights.  It was a win for everyone.

Shame on you, Caroline Sunshine and the Trump campaign, for denigrating the importance of public school teachers and members of the National Guard.  May you, Ms. Sunshine, and you, Mr. Trump, one day have the honor and joyful experience of holding down "real jobs" of your own!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Jay Ashcroft's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week

by Pa Rock

Missouri's Republican (and highly self-righteous) secretary of state, Jay Ashcroft, is coming off one of the worst political weeks imaginable for a right-wing politician who until recently probably harbored dreams of eventually making it all the way to the White House.  Cancel the moving van, Jay, you aren't going anyplace - except maybe back to West Plains.

Jay, the scion of a prominent Missouri evangelical/political family and the son of John Ashcroft - a former attorney general, two-term governor, and US Senator from Missouri, as well as US Attorney General - seemed to think that his political pedigree could propel him into the governor's mansion, and was undoubtedly disappointed a week ago yesterday when he not only lost the GOP primary race for governor, but came in a very humiliating third place.  The state Republican Party, it would seem, has undergone a seismic philosophical and political shift since Jay's daddy's day.

(Papa Ashcroft holds the dubious distinction of being the only incumbent US Senator in history to ever be defeated for re-election by a dead man - and Pa Rock is proud to have voted for the dead man!)

The primary election drubbing was Tuesday of last week.  This week on Tuesday - yesterday - Jay Ashcroft, God's scribe in Missouri, was forced to issue an official statement declaring that  a citizen initiative for a state constitutional amendment to restore abortion rights in Missouri had qualified for the November ballot.  It is a proposed amendment that is sure to bring voters to the polls in greater numbers than usual - and one that is very likely to pass the simple majority necessary for approval.

The proposed amendment even has a clear and understandable title:  "The Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative."

Missouri Republican politicians have tried a variety of dirty tricks to misrepresent the effects of this amendment, and the costs; to keep it off the ballot; to confuse it with "competing" legislation; and even an attempt to change the constitution in an effort to make it harder to pass an amendment - but ultimately basic fairness won out and the general population of Missouri will have the opportunity to reverse the near-total statewide ban on abortion that was imposed by our dunderhead and very patriarchal state legislature.

The people will finally have their say!

And all of those additional voters coming out to vote in Missouri in November cannot be good news for Republicans, the party that has held the show-me state in a virtual chokehold for nearly a quarter-of-a-century!

It just keeps getting better and better, but poor Jay probably doesn't see it that way!

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

What is Missing

by Pa Rock
Road Warrior

I left West Plains on the Chicago trip a week ago today, very early on Tuesday morning which was primary Election Day in Missouri.  There was still plenty of campaign signage on display, both locally as well as on the road, because voters would be going to the polls all day.  It was also primary day in Kansas, the state that was my destination on that day.   But all of the political propaganda that I saw on Tuesday was for state and local offices.  What was missing was any yard signs or bumper stickers relating to national politics.  (In past election years Trump signs had been all too common - especially in rural Missouri.)

One bookstore that my niece and I visited in Andersonville, Illinois, featured a wide array of Kamala merchandize, especially tee-shirts, but I was looking for yard signs or bumper stickers to bring home and found none.  There were a few Harris-Walz yard signs up in my niece's neighborhood, but again, just a smattering - and nothing for Trump.

I guess it will all get rolling on Labor Day, the traditional start of the campaign season, and that surprises me because I expected the mud to be flying early and hard this campaign season.  Well, yes it is already flying across the media landscape, but it has yet to make much of a statement on Midwestern lawns and car bumpers.  All of that is still missing.

Maybe people are slow about getting fired up because they sense the presidential election isn't even going to be close.  If that's the case, I predict it means bad news for Trump.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Modern Life on the Mississippi North of St Louis

by Pa Rock
Weary Road Warrior

It was raining when our train reached Kansas City shortly after 9:00 p.m. last night, but Tim was there waiting patiently and managed to get me and my baggage to the car without dealing with much of the rain.  The nearly five-hour drive home today occurred without incident, though I did stop at the Amish cheese store in Osceola, and bought some treats for my good neighbor Rex, and his wife, in partial repayment for his bush-hogging work at my farm a couple of weeks ago - hard work for which he refused to take payment.  Rex and his wife are the best neighbors ever!

My second stop was a shopping rampage through the Springfield Costco, a restocking effort that was long overdue.

I wanted to conclude my Chicago adventure by relating some things I saw from the train window late yesterday evening as we crossed the Mississippi River going from Illinois to Ft. Madison, Iowa.  I had a window seat that was facing downstream as we slowed and carefully crossed the Big River at one of its wider points.  

(The river lock had been open to allow for a barge to get through during the train ride to Chicago last week, and it had taken quite a while to get the lock closed so that we could cross.  This time the lock was closed when we got there and there were no delays.)

Our timing on yesterday's rail journey was fortuitous because just as we started crossing I saw a small fishing boat a few feet beyond the railroad bridge.  (It didn't appear to be moving with the current, so it was likely moored to the bridge in some manner).  But I know this - it was a great fishing spot!  The boat had two adult men sitting on the two rear bench seats, and a young boy (around 12 or so) in the front with his line in the water.  Just as we were passing the youngster hooked a large fish, somewhere in the neighborhood of ten pounds) and was busy pulling it out of the water.  It had the flat shape of a bass or a crappie, but I'm not a fishologist so I have no idea what he had actually caught - other than it was a fighter, and so was the kid!

I hope it was the kid's birthday or some significant date that he will remember fifty years from now when he is nosing through cyber space and comes across this posting - and he will know that he and his big fish caught the attention of an old man on a train!  Good work, kid!

A speedboat darted under the bridge heading downstream at about the midpoint of the bridge.  It was tearing up the river and the young man at the controls was having a grand time.  As he ripped beneath us, I thought of Huck and Jim on their raft - and how amazed they would be at a speedboat!  

(There is a very nice marina on the Ft. Dodge side of the river, but I noticed both times I crossed that there were very few boats in the relatively new facility.  It is a beautiful spot just waiting for the hordes of tourists who will inevitably show with their water-going crotch-rockets that sound like chainsaws - and ruin the spot for the rest of civilization!)

There was another small fishing boat on the Iowa side of the Mississippi River, not too far out from the marina.  It had what appeared to be two men sitting next to each other in the back of the craft, and neither seemed to be fishing.  That boat, too, was stationary and may have been moored to the railroad bridge.

And the water looked clean enough to swim in.

That's the state of the Mississippi River north of St. Louis before it is joined by the Missouri River, the Ohio River, and all of their attendant barge traffic and pollution.  The northern Mississippi is a whole different river than the one most of us know.  Huck and Jim would like it up there!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

It's Not What You Know . . .

by Pa Rock
Traveling Fool

I am at Chicago's Union Station waiting to board the train for Kansas City, and so far this experience has not been nearly as stressful as what I had to go though in Kansas City just four days ago.  This time my niece Heidi drove me to the station, walked me in, planted me on a bench, and said "I'll be right back."  By the time she came back a couple of minutes later she had convinced someone that I would need help getting my luggage and feeble old carcass to the train.  A man on a tram pulled up, loaded my bags and me onto his vehicle, and drove the Missouri Mess to a special lounge to wait on the train - which is two-and-a half-hours into the future..

A lady in the lounge put a red plastic bracelet on my arm, and when I asked her a question about the boarding process, she said "Just go sit down and we will find you.  We will be putting you on about twenty minutes early."

Wow.  In Kansas City I had run up and down the track multiple times trying to jump through all of the boarding hoops, but here they were coming to me!  I don't know what Heidi told them, but she is a doctor, so I may be in worse shape than I realize!

Everybody needs a niece like Heidi!

I am so FINISHED with flying!

"So Chattanooga choo-choo, won't you choo-choo me home!"

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Joe and Marilyn Leave their Marks on History

by Pa Rock
Traveling Fool

This day started off very nice and just continued to get better.

I entered the lobby of the Drake Hotel this morning thinking that I would head out onto the street and find something for breakfast (possibly even at a restaurant!), but on the way to the main door I encountered a well dressed hotel employee who looked like his job was to answer dumb questions from hick tourists, so I asked one:   "Where is the oak bar that Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe carved their initials into?"

"Ah, yes sir.  Go down these steps to the Ground Floor, then take two rights, a left, and another right and it will be at the end of the hall on your right."  That sounded about "right" to me, so off I went in search of some celebrity history.

Wikipedia had already told me that the public defacement of hotel property had occurred when Joe and Marilyn spent part of their honeymoon at the Drake Hotel (January of 1954) and it had happened on the long oak bar in the Cape Cod Room, which I assumed was a lounge or a tavern or some form of watering hole. Yesterday I had stepped into the only bar that I could find in the hotel, but the interior was very dark and I could not see a long, wooden bar.

After following the directions of the hotel employee this morning, I ended up at the "Cafe on Oak" which is in the Drake.  I stepped in and the hostess tried to direct me to a table.  "I'm just a nosy tourist," I told her, and she turned to lead me to what I wanted to see even before I could ask the question.  The oak bar, which is now covered with a heavy coat of varnish, was also basically covered with hand-carved initials from many other people over the years.   Joe and Marilyn had sat near the left end of the bar where they had made their marks on history.  "MM" was was nearest the far edge of the bar in small to moderate-sized lettering, and "JD" was below hers in letters that were about twice the size of his bride's.  God only knows what they got up to after they left the bar on that cold January night!

With that item carefully checked off of my bucket list, I requested a table and a menu - and had a very good breakfast.

Niece Heidi and I spent the rest of the morning visiting a few very interesting book shops in the suburb of Andersonville near where Heidi and Jason and their daughters live, and we stopped in a very unique store called the "Wooly Mammoth" which sold some of the oddest things imaginable - such as human teeth, animal bones, used dentures, and all manner of "art."  This evening she and Jason and I joined Tim for a really good Italian meal in an outdoor setting just across the street from where his play was presented last night.  

(Everyone needs relatives like Heidi and Jason and their family.  They have shown me a wonderful time during my visit to the Windy City. Tomorrow Heidi is coming over to drive me to the train station, and said she will also pack a sandwich for me to eat while I bounce along on Amtrak.

(I am really not disparaging Amtrak.  It got me to Chicago and I have every confidence that it will get me back to Kansas City tomorrow - and as of right now, I am seriously considering taking Amtrak to New York City to see "The Brass Teapot" musical when it is showcased there in October.)

Kansas City to the Big Apple by train - it sounds like a rockin' good time!  "Come on baby, do the loco-motion!"

The River and the Teapot

by Pa Rock
Traveling Fool

Yesterday I got out early and walked several blocks around my hotel including a trek over to the beach at Lake Michigan which was already crowded..  People were there watching the Navy's Blue Angels practicing their formation flyovers in preparation for this weekend's Air and Boat Show. The jets have been flying over the Lake Shore area for several days getting ready for the big show.  I watched for awhile, though I have had a stiff neck since my last broken arm two years ago - and am not much for staring upward for long periods of time.  

(My last work assignment before retiring was at Luke Air Force Base near Phoenix, and while there I managed to get my fill of the comings and goings of fighter jets, so jets roaring overhead aren't as big of a deal to me as they are to some.)

While at the beach I saw one local cop in uniform with a name tag that said "Pagan," which I thought was kind of cool.

Heidi and her husband, Jason, took several family members on a large boat excursion along the Chicago River and out onto Lake Michigan in the afternoonn, and I was with their group.  The river, which apparently was a cesspool until just a few years ago, is now clean and deep with dozens of varieties of fish inhabiting its waters.  We rode up and down the river with a very well-versed guide telling us the history of the area and of many of the individual skyscrapers along the river.  It was extremely informative. Our boat motored into a marine lock where the water level was raised to the level of the lake, and we went out out into Lake Michigan and traveled along a significant portion of the shore line, while again hearing more Chicago history.

The fighter jets performed overhead throughout our 90-minute cruise, so it was quite a day to be out on the water!

Roughly the same group went to Chicago Musical Theatre Festival at the Steppenwolf Theatre in the evening where we watched a read-through production of the musical version of The Brass Teapot, a work based on a story that my son, Tim, wrote and published on the internet several years ago.  The story has been made in into a film, twice, and Tim was involved in both of those, and he also has been involved in the production of the current musical version of the material,  Tim was at the theatre last night where he served as an intermittent host to our group.

The performance was great.  There will be an abbreviated version of the material presented at a musical  theatre festival in New York City in October, and I have every intention of being at that one, too.

(Have I mentioned before how proud I am of Tim and all my my kids and my nieces and nephews?  Well, I am!)

More exploring today - and heading home tomorrow.

Friday, August 9, 2024

A Garish Vulgarity and Public Eyesorel

by Pa Rock
Traveling Fool

Most of the tall buildings in Chicago are awe-inspiring edifices to the ever-expanding imagination of humanity, and it's easy to spot tourists because we are the ones walking along the busy sidewalks while staring up to the heavens between the skyscrapers.  Today I stumbled through several blocks, mostly while gazing up in wonder at the giant buildings lining my path.    I was essentially doing my best Gomer Pyle and saying "Well, gollleee!" as I stopped randomly and without warning to stare up at the amazing structures which seemed to reach forever into the sky, and the Chicagoans coming up from behind and in a hurry to get to where they were going, stepped around the rube from the sticks and just kept on trucking - usually without comment.

There is a building downtown on the Chicago River that we drove past a couple of times yesterday that is worthy of comment.   It is a very impressive glass structure that was completed in 2009 and at time was the second tallest building in the city and in the nation.  As it was going up there was apparently some secrecy as to what it was actually going to be, and as it was being completed there was a large space on the side of the building where a sign would eventually go, but again with secrecy being the order of the day.  After the tower and hotel complex were completed five large silver letters were brought in and slowly affixed to the side of the new building.  Those letters were "T - R - U - M - P"!    The narcissistic megalomaniac had struck at the heart of the "Windy City"with his expensive graffiti. 

That was fifteen years ago, and the controversy still rages over the garish vulgarity imposing itself on what would otherwise be a postcard-perfect urban scene of distinction and progress.

There is something terribly wrong with a person who constantly has to try and place himself above others and smear his name all over the skyline, but we already knew that, didn't we!