Thursday, June 6, 2024

Whack-a-Doodle Updates

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

There were a couple of good stories out of the US House of Representatives this week, and, of course, nothing in the way of legislation.

Congressman Paul Gosar, a Republican from a rural Arizona district and the politician whom I consider to be the funniest member of Congress, announced yesterday that he has submitted legislation to have the US Treasury print $500 Federal Reserve notes featuring the face of of convicted felon Donald Trump.    The last time the United States printed a $500 bill was in 1945, and it featured President William McKinley.  Gosar seems to have trust issues with digital currency and banks, and he apparently believes that having a ready supply of $500 bills would make it easier for citizens (and especially survivalists) to manage their own money.

Organized crime and particularly drug cartels would probably also see advantages into not having to handle so many smaller bills.

Rep. Gosar also believes that having the face of Donald Trump on a new $500 bill would make them collectors' items, and that Trump fans would buy them up and horde them (perhaps in their Trump Bibles) and thus increase the US Treasury's revenue.

Win!  Win!  Win!  So much winning!

I subscribe to Congressman Gosar's weekly update and it literally makes my week.  Not only do his articles and tidbits highlight the compete spectrum of MAGA craziness, but he encourages his readers to  respond to what he has written, and then goes to great lengths to ridicule them if they disagree with him.  And his nonsensical barking is always, ALWAYS funny!

It's hard to believe, but just a few years ago there were people in Arizona who were letting Paul Gosar work on their teeth!

Marjorie Taylor Greene is another Republican member of Congress who goes to great lengths to be perceived as outrageous.  Marge is one of those people whom reporters gravitate to on what would otherwise be slow news days.  This past week Marge went on "War Room," a podcast hosted by former Trump adviser Steve Bannon.  

(Random note:  Bannon is due back in a federal court today where he is still fighting a four-month prison sentence that was imposed in 2022 when he was found guilty on two counts of Contempt of Congresss.)

When Marge Greene went on Bannon's podcast earlier this week, she also was showing her contempt of Congress, and particularly the Republican members of Congress.  Greene is angry that some of her colleagues seem to actually be trying to legislate when she believes they should be focused on impeaching President Biden.  Marge is not just angry, she is righteously pissed.  Among other things she told Bannon as she was excoriating her fellow Republican members of Congress was this:

Republicans continually have their head up their ass and can't figure out how to actually use the power that the people gave us...this is a new time in America, and I am so fed up, Steve. I am so fed up. I am so sick of it because I know people at home are sick of it. People are sick and tired of a feckless, useless Republican Party that never does a damn thing to stop any of this.  They just sit in the boat and row along with the Democrats." 

(Note:  I emboldened the portions of Marge's statement where I emphatically agree with her!) 

Political parties working together for the common good is not Marge's idea of how Congress should function, and she is sick of it!

And in some executive tomfoolery:  

Convicted felon Donald Trump is headed to Phoenix, Arizona, today where the temperature is expected to top out at a balmy 111 degrees F.  That orange makeup is just going to slide right off of his face!  Trump will be in Arizona campaigning for senatorial candidate Kari Lake.  He should plan a follow-up visit in two weeks when it will really be hot.  It's usually the third week in June when temperatures in Phoenix hover around 120 degrees F. and the asphalt on the runways at Sky Harbor Airport begins to melt.  

Phoenix in late June is as close to Hell as this tired old typist ever wants to get!

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