Tuesday, June 4, 2024

At Swim, Consenting Adults in a Benjo Ditch

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

I left Twitter a long time ago, back when Elon Musk bought the property and decided it would be fun to manage it himself.  After he moved to rehabilitate Trump by inviting him back to the forum, and opened the site's doors to Nazis, racists, homophobes, election deniers, and all manner of hate-speakers and other vermin, I knew that I had made a good decision.  As ad revenue at the company plunged by fifty-percent early on, it only confirmed my wisdom in bailing when I did.  The old Twitter was fading fast, and when Elon abruptly changed its name to "X," the Twitter that I knew was completely gone.

So it came as no surprise when I saw a notice on the internet yesterday that "X" would heretofore allow "adult content" on the site as long as the content was consensual and clearly labeled.  The company apparently has some way of blocking or blurring adult content if it is being accessed by people they know or suspect to be minors.


Call me prudish if you must, but there are some things I would rather not have pop-up on my computer screen as I scroll through endless lists of insults while enjoying my breakfast cereal.

But hey, it's Elon's platform.  He bought the internet site and paid for it with his hard-earned cash, and by golly if he wants to turn it into a benjo ditch, he damned well can!  It's his business!

American free enterprise, warts and all!

"X" will finally live up down to its name.

One wag on "X" yesterday even  took a stab at updating the site's name:

"'XXX,' formerly know as 'X,' formerly known as 'Twitter!'"

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