Saturday, June 15, 2024

Missouri Bombs are Killing Palestinian Children

by Pa Rock
Missouri Citizen Journalist

According to an exceptionally detailed article in yesterday's edition of The KC Defender, a quality, independent news source from the Kansas City area, bombs and delivery systems made in Missouri are being used by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) in their unrelenting, barbaric attacks on the people of Gaza, attacks which have killed thousands of innocent civilians, many of them children.  (More that 15,000 children have died as a result of the war in Gaza so far.)

The article was written by Ryan Sorrell, the founder and executive editor of The KC Defender, and it was entitled "Headless Children, Melting Bodies:   Missouri Weapons Facilities Produce Bombs Deployed in Rafah Massacre and UN School Massacre of Palestinians."   Much of the article was based on original reporting from CNN, The New York Times, and Al Jazeera.

The two attacks covered in Mr. Sorrell's article were extremely bloody examples of unleashed savagery in an on-going genocide, and the fact that they brought death and injury to so many children made them especially horrifying.    The attacks have been dissected and talked about in the press in great detail.   This new reporting broadens the public understanding of the carnage by looking at the history of the missiles and bombs that tore those terrified and malnourished bodies apart.  

The devices (missiles and bombs) are called the "GBU-39," or "Small Diameter Bomb 1" and they exclusively use an F-15E delivery system.  The bombs and their delivery systems are both made in the St. Louis area by Boeing and sold by the United States to Israel - and they are used to kill children in Gaza with alarming success.   Those armaments are currently being "fast-tracked" to Israel by the US.

(Perhaps if Boeing were to back off of it armaments business and focus on passenger planes, the American flying public wouldn't feel the need to bring along duct tape every time they board a Boeing aircraft!)

War is a shitty business.  Making money by killing children is obscene and immoral beyond all measure!

Boeing's stockholders should rise in open revolt!

Red line, Joe.  Red line!  Where the hell is the red line?

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