Saturday, June 29, 2024

The Road Trip Ends

by Pa Rock
Road Warrior

Rosie and I climbed out of our little car and set our feet on the firm ground of Rock's Roost just outside of West Plains, Missouri, at 11:30 this morning, 13 days and five hours after we left on Father's Day.  We both were very glad to be home, and Nick and Gypsy seemed happy to see us.

Nick, who didn't know we were arriving until about twenty minutes before we got home, had the yard freshly mowed and the house clean.  That was so nice - and will certainly help to make the transition to being home much easier.

In those 13-plus days the little Kia Soul logged 5,239 miles and zipped across 10 states:  Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Wyoming, and Nebraska.  (Montana, I don't know how we missed you!); 4 Canadian Provinces:  Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia; the Rocky Mountains twice;  and, 3 times zones!  It was a helluva drive! 

That will probably be my last extended car trip because driving wears me out.  I do have an opportunity to go to New York City in the fall to support one of Tim's writing adventures, and I suspect I will do that - but will fly instead of drive - and damn I hate to fly!

But I will discuss that later.

This afternoon my mind is on unpacking and getting caught up on laundry.

Domesticity sucks almost as much as driving!

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