Sunday, June 16, 2024

Jason Smith, Another Year Older

by Pa Rock
Missouri Voter

My bachelor congressman, Jason Smith of Missouri’s very rural 8th district, is turning forty-four today.  Smith, a Republican (of course) has been in Congress for just over a decade and serves in one of the safest and most conservative districts in the United States.   Should he choose to serve fifty more years, he would most likely go on getting elected, especially now that he has survived his freshman mistakes.
Rep. Smith was elevated to Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee at the beginning of the current session, a fact that he conveys at least a half-dozen times in each of his weekly email newsletters.   And while the Missouri congressman has a position of power in the current Congress, he manages to spend much more time complaining about the Biden family that he does in actual legislating - and his prolonged investigations into the Bidens has produced no more significant results than those of the other two Republican committee chairs who have been relentlessly barking up the same tree.
It would be nice if members of Congress were as concerned with meeting the needs of those they were elected to serve as they are with political maneuvering and grabbing headlines.

One thing my congressman is good at is worming his way onto television news shows, but only if they are on Fox or Newsmax.  He does not do “town halls,” and seems to actively avoid situations where he might be put on the spot and asked hardball questions by real journalists or constituents that would require thinking on his feet and unscripted answers.
Jason, like his idol Donald Trump, whines incessantly and seems to always be unhappy.  I hope he can change that, especially on his birthday.
Have a great one, Congressman Smith!  Go do something fun in the sun!


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