Sunday, June 16, 2024

Father's Day Recap

by Pa Rock
Happy Camper

It has been a very nice Father's Day.  This was the first one in over three decades in which I got to see all three of my children  - ages 50, 47, and and 44 - so they really are getting a bit too long in the teeth to be referred to as "children."  But it's all a matter of perspective, and from my perspective  they are youngsters!   All three are healthy and seem relatively happy, and they are all well-directed in their lives.

I also saw five of my six grandchildren today, so, as Father's Days go, this one was a raging success.    The sixth grandchild (who is actually the first) has a driver's license and his own car, and he really needs to come see his old Granddad.  Take a hint, Boone!

Rosie and I drove to Kansas City very early this morning, and tomorrow morning I will hit the road heading north.   Winnipeg is a mere twelve hours away, straight north.  I will try to post trip updates every day on the blog, probably late in the evening.   Rosie will be staying with Tim and Erin, but she won't be told until in the morning - and I will be in SO much trouble when I finally get back!

I am traveling without a set itinerary, so all suggestions on places to stop along the way will be welcome. You can post them as comments to the blog.   Right now my general plan is to take a big swing into Manitoba and Saskatchewan and then come back down into Montana or Idaho and head on to Oregon, with a more direct route coming home.  

More tomorrow.

Happy Trails!

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