Sunday, June 30, 2024

Kinky Friedman has left the Stage

by Pa Rock

Country singer and songwriter (as well as humorist, satirist, novelist, and politician) Richard Samet  "Kinky" Friedman passed away in his beloved Texas this week at the age of seventy-nine.  Friedman, a member of the Jewish faith, described himself as the first Jew to ever perform on the stage of the Grand Old Opry, and he was quick to incorporate his religion into much of his work.  His band, "Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys" was a play on "Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys," and his songs often made reference to his religion as with "They Ain't Making Jews Like Jesus Anymore."

Friedman, who graduated from Austin High School in 1962, went on to serve two years with the Peace Corps in Borneo.   During his long musical career he performed with most of the Texas great country artists, and he toured with Bob Dylan.  He was the featured entertainer in one of Saturday Night Live's second season shows, and he starred in the only Austin City Limits episode that never aired due to the controversial nature of the material that was performed.

Friedman's music was often politically incorrect and irreverent.  At one point in his career the National Organization of Women awarded him the "Male Chauvinist Pig Award" as a result of a live performance of one of his songs that satirized the Women's Movement.

Friedman ran for governor of Texas as an independent in 2006 and managed to come in fourth with over twelve percent of the vote.  He supported increased teacher pay, lowering the dropout rate, wind energy, the legalization of marijuana, ending capital punishment, increasing the number of Texas National Guard troops at the border, and was pro-choice on the subject of abortion.

(My only close encounter with the performer occurred during the 2006 campaign when I was at a work training session in San Antonio and staying away from the city center without a car.  I was exploring the area around my hotel and stopped in a large bookstore just to kill time.  As I was leaving after an hour or so of mindless browsing, I asked a clerk if there was anything to do in that part of the city.  "Not much," she admitted, "but Kinky Friedman has been  in the backroom signing books all afternoon.  He just left."  Oh, well.)

Friedman, in addition to writing and performing classic satirical songs like "Asshole from El Paso," was also a prolific author of humorous mystery fiction.  My personal collection includes "The Love Song of J. Edgar Hoover," "Road Kill," "God Bless John Wayne," "Armadillos and Old Lace," "Frequent Flyer," and "Elvis, Jesus, and Coca-Cola."  I have just pulled them off of the shelf and added them to my re-read pile.

So long, Kinkster.  Thanks for sharing so much while you were with us. Happy trails!

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