Saturday, April 13, 2013

Changing of the Guard

by Pa Rock

My sister, Gail, left this morning after two weeks of being my chauffeur, maid, cook, and confidant.  She was replaced later in the day by my daughter, Molly, and Molly's daughter, Willow.  Willow is a year-and-a-half old, and shamefully this is only the second time that I have seen her.  She still hasn't completely warmed up to me, but she is making herself at home by rearranging my DVDs and playing hide-the-remote.  Little Willow is too cute for words!

I drove for the first time today in nearly a month.  It was nice to find out that I still know how.  Driving is all about independence, and wars have been fought for less.  Monday I will start back to work on a half-day basis, so Molly and Willow will probably be the last of my long string of caretakers.

It has been nice becoming reacquainted with my kids and sister.  It seems like so much gets lost in our world of constant email and texting.    Talking face-to-face is a bit old fashioned, but it provides a great deal more quality in the communication process.

I remember when I was young, people would stop by the house in the evenings just to visit.  They would sit and talk for a couple of hours and then go home.  And it was not unusual for us to load up the car after my folks got off work and go visit someone else - often aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Those were simpler times.  Back then the only ones tweeting were the birds!

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